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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Interesting, thanks for checking. Wonder which rating is correct, as I've seen several sites show this as an F4. I always thought it seemed pretty weird to have an F4 tornado that happened in the past 50yrs with basically no info about it. Makes me think F2 was probably the correct rating, and somehow F4 got incorrectly inputed somewhere and showed up in all the other databases.
  2. Made 65 here today, and MLI tagged 68. Both were the warmest of the season so far. The -30s feel like a lifetime ago at this point. Tomorrow is the 38th anniversary of the Prophetstown IL F4. This occurred about 10 miles east of us here, and nobody really knows much about it. I looked and can't find much info about what happened. Apparently it must have been a very short duration/violent tornado. Possibly it stayed mostly out in the open? Kind of wonder if Fujita himself surveyed the damage. Made a short sat clip from the NCDC archives.
  3. Just spent an hour or so reading the 6/22/16 event thread. I'm ready for severe weather/chase season.
  4. Today's 1.2" was the first measurable snow in exactly a month. Crazy how it just shut off, much like back in December/early Jan. Half of the backyard is already completely bare, so all the new snow should be toast by early afternoon.
  5. Made it to 63 earlier, but back down to 42 now. Was nice to see some towering cumulus earlier as that line of convection popped up nearly overhead.
  6. 53/51 at 1am. Still getting used to passing by a window and not seeing all white outside.
  7. Hit 56 here today. Dew is hovering around 50. Just big piles of snow remain.
  8. Nice soaker overnight with 1.08".
  9. 48 this afternoon. Down to just a few small patches of snow, but the piles are still gigantic. Those will be around for quite some time still. Looking forward to the first 60s of the season tomorrow.
  10. Yeah that will be nice. I can't wait to step outside and smell freshly cut grass for the first time.
  11. Impressive. Wish it wouldn't bust it's *** so soon into the game though lol.
  12. Lots of people outside enjoying the weather today. You'd think it's our first 70 degree day or something. I will say it feels much warmer than the high of 40 with the strong March sun and no wind. The backyard is down to just large patches of snow remaining. The first time there's been this much grass showing since Jan 11th.
  13. Should be a high impact event out west. Pretty meh out this way though unfortunately. At least it will pump the warmest air of the season north.
  14. 0.92" of ice cold rain here with no thunder.
  15. 35 with heavy rain. Utterly miserable. Lots of standing water with the frozen ground.
  16. We're getting to the point in the season where we could see some nice over-performing of temps if we can get the right setup. Wouldn't be surprised to see 70+ try to sneak in if we can get some sun.
  17. Solid A+. Yeah we had that 5-week stretch of nothingness, but what made up for that was already being quite satisfied by a powerhouse blizzard (with thundersnow) back on Nov 25. The snow stayed on the ground for over 10 days into that lull, which is impressive for a snow that early. Once the snows returned there was always something to track from that point on. This winter featured thundersnow, frequent thunder with heavy freezing rain/sleet, all-time cold, long-lasting deep snow cover, the deepest snow depth I've ever seen here, high wind events, and frequent snow events between Jan 12 and Feb 17.
  18. The Euro schooled the GFS on today's weak wave. The GFS was way too wet and widespread with the precip swath until the last minute. If the Euro model didn't exist and we had to depend on the GFS and GEM it would be a very sad affair.
  19. If this winter was a D+ here, then that would make all other winters here besides maybe a few an F- lol.
  20. That was quite the stretch for you guys. We had a nice run during that period as well, but not quite as good as that. We benefited from that late November blizzard though. Despite the 5 week lull from late Nov to Jan 11, and the abrupt end to the snow season this will likely go down as my favorite winter. '14-'15 was excellent, but we failed to acquire a warning criteria event. The extreme wind chills and all-time cold both topped what we saw in that winter as well.
  21. Last measurable snow was back on Feb 17th. Unless something substantial happens in the final few weeks of March the all-time snowfall record at MLI looks safe. Looked quite beatable the way things were going 3 weeks ago.
  22. Cold rain/dry slot/wind/flurries here with this one.
  23. Have already conceded frozen precip potential with this system. The big neg though is the fact that it looks like another cold rainer, as opposed to meaningful convective potential. Lack of snow potential, and lack of even marginal convection makes this a benign time-wasting meh of a system. Hopefully something of interest follows.
  24. Wind chills down around -25 out there. Pretty impressive for March. At this time of the year at this point in the night we could easily still be in the 60s, with muggy dews near 60 as well. We've had snow cover for almost 2 straight months, going back to Jan 12th. Still 2-3" of crust covering the whole backyard.
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