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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Back to all snow now, and coming down pretty nicely. Nice enhanced band here on the west edge of things. Temp has dropped back to 35 after hovering around 37-38 for quite awhile.
  2. Rain has been mixing in with the snow for the past hour or so.
  3. Snow is actually coming down pretty nicely at the moment, with a temp of 38. Melting on contact.
  4. Some flurries have made it down to the surface here, so I guess it's not a total shutout lol.
  5. Drove down to Kewanee. Full on snowstorm down there with a few inches down and low vis. Roads started getting slushy a bit north of there. Ran back out of the snow about 5 miles from home. Was actually pretty fun punching in and out of the snow.
  6. Looks like a shutout here. Gonna blast east into the back edge of the snow and say my farewell to snow for the season. Should only be about a 30 minute drive.
  7. The high-res guidance keeps waffling back and forth on the western edge of things. One run shows 0.6-0.8" here, the next run shows a few tenths. The GFS shows a trace. 6hrs from the event and I still have no idea what to expect lol. No matter what happens it's been pretty interesting to track.
  8. MLI needs 8.9" to break the seasonal record of 69.7". They won't reach that, but if the 00z models are correct they could stat pad a few inches onto the existing 60.8". It was 54 today here, with full sun, so the ground will definitely be fighting off whatever accumulates from underneath.
  9. RAP gives us 0.80" of precip, while the GFS shows a trace lol. Guess we'll have to see how radar trends evolve later tonight. Could be getting anywhere from a few inches of snow with some nice rippage, or a heavy overcast with a biting breeze.
  10. Luckily I just recently had my tinfoil hat resized.
  11. A few days ago it looked like the snows would miss northwest, and now it looks as though they'll miss southeast. Not surprising given such a thread-the-needle event that there could be such changes, even this close to the event. Would have been nice to see MLI make a run at their all-time record though. I'm just glad if it's gonna miss it misses to the southeast. I've had enough of the cold rain events to last me till next winter lol. Good luck to you guys out east.
  12. Very nasty out there at 38 degrees, and east winds gusting over 40mph. Should make it to near 70 later on though, with dews well into the 50s.
  13. This storm is definitely an impressive wind machine. Several ob sites out in northern/northwest IA gusting over 50mph this morning. Storm Lake is currently gusting to 62mph.
  14. Yeah I won't be out either as we're buried at work right now. If it were the weekend I'd be out there just to get out and shake the rust off. I'd prob head towards Iowa Falls and wait on the developing arc.
  15. Wouldn't mind making a run at the trip point play tomorrow out near Iowa Falls/Waterloo/Cedar Rapids. HRRR has been pretty insistent on a nice little area of backed winds, and pooled surface moisture in that area.
  16. The Sunday system is about as thread-the-needle as it gets regarding snow potential.
  17. MLI making a run at the first 80 degree day today. Been as warm as 79 on the 5 minute obs, which is probably 78. Thursday is going to be interesting, as there's a good chance we get stuck in the cold 40s with east flow north of the front, or end up near 70 with a tor threat.
  18. Dews pushing 60, temps near 70, billowing cumulus overhead, birds chirping, the smell of cookouts in the air. Yep, definitely feels like we've turned a corner into spring now. EDIT: And the sounds of hells angels ripping through the neighborhood from time to time lol
  19. Should be a classic early spring north/south temp gradient setting up with this one. The Euro has Hoosier in the 70s, while up at Geo's old stomping ground they're stuck near 40 at midday Thursday.
  20. 0.05" here this morning. May have some isolated convection later today if the models are correct. The lawn is greening up in a hurry.
  21. Glad to see this March end. Very uninteresting month of weather around these parts with just a few cold rain events. Basically have been hanging in limbo since the snows shut off back in mid Feb. No snow, and no meaningful convection. Hopefully the rest of April picks up after this first benign week that continues the streak.
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