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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Another rainy one. Had some nice thunder earlier. Picked up 1.02".
  2. The Mississippi River will crest just a half foot below the all-time record (set in '93) in the QC in a few days. More heavy rains are on the way, and they are included in the forecast crests, but if we get some over-performing amounts it's possible they could attain a new record crest.
  3. Picked up 2.23" since last night. Lots of standing water. Looks like another 1-2" coming tomorrow/tomorrow night.
  4. Nice soaker on the way for tonight. Various guidance drops 1.5-2" of rain in the heart of the DVN cwa.
  5. Freeport got down to 19 early this morning. https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/zoa/getobext.php?sid=KFEP Hit 28 here, which should be the last freeze until autumn.
  6. It'll be interesting to see how cold some locations that received snow get later tonight. Winds should drop off quite a bit towards morning as the ridge axis moves through Iowa and Wisconsin. Wouldn't be surprised to see some teens show up in low-lying areas that received more than a few inches of snow. Best shot looks like north-central/far northwest IL, southwest WI, and into northeast IA where the ridge axis should knock winds back the most.
  7. Finished with 0.76" rain, and a trace of snow. Sleeted enough to whiten the ground a bit at times. After being in the 80s last weekend today felt about as miserable as anyone could imagine lol.
  8. Some sleet and large snowflakes mix in under the better radar returns, and just light rain under the lighter returns.
  9. Click on image to see bigger pic of it. Very impressive system.
  10. Have a mixture of very large sleet pellets, partially melted snowflakes, and moderate rain here at work. Absoutely miserable outside.
  11. Looks like a burst of wet snow at the tail end of the event for this area. Should exceed an inch of rain, with some thunder possible as well. I'll be heading up towards Freeport/Stockton after work to get into the "good stuff". Very interesting event to be sure, but it is a bit disappointing for this area to just miss out much like the system a few weekends ago.
  12. Man that is an awesome low-level baroclinic zone. They'll be outside BBQ-ing in Springfield, while a snowstorm rages 150 miles north. Pretty crazy to have a winter storm watch out a few days before May. Wow. (The county just north that is).
  13. I wouldn't mind seeing a good snow here given the circumstances. The way it stands now we would see either accumulating snow, or miserable cold 38 degree rain followed by a brief period of wet flakes. Given the choice I'll take the accumulating snow lol. At this point though it looks like this will be 98% a 38 degree rain event, so I'll likely shoot north towards Dubuque and cross into the winter wonderland for one last wintry hurrah.
  14. The HRRR and RAP both buried us with 6"+ on many runs with that event, and we ended up with a trace. The impacts from the main band were forecast pretty well though.
  15. If this comes far enough south I may take a quick drive north into it, as that would be the latest I've seen snow fall other than rogue/wet flakes.
  16. Had a brief period of peas earlier this afternoon. Second hail event in the past several days. Temped bumped 80 before the storm. Dew is up to 61 now.
  17. Yeah very impressive recovery to be sure. MLI bottomed out at 41, and is already at 77. Mid 80s look possible.
  18. Not surprised to see the lack of a marginal for parts of Iowa/southern WI/north IL for tomorrow, as forecasters like to stay consistent day to day. Broyles went with a general thunder for those areas for day2, as he had done on day3, which will be a mistake. In subsequent forecasts a marginal will likely be added by a different forecaster. It's possible a slight might eventually be needed as well, as there is sufficient shear and instability for organized severe. Question is just how much of it. Simulated radar from 3km NAM shows some scattered activity. Nice little vort is well timed, and should provide some additional lift. Surface flow looks to remain fairly backed ahead of the front, with fairly decent shear in the lower 3km.
  19. Full sun, light winds, temps near 70, and the smell of fresh cut grass meshing with smoldering charcoal. Makes up for last weekend's snow and cold lol.
  20. Nice little hail core just went through and dropped a period of peas and a few marbles. Lots of vivid lightning, and picked up a quick 0.20" of rain.
  21. First 80 degree day today at MLI, as they hit 81. Made it to 79 here. With dews pushing 60 earlier it felt pretty springlike. The outside air has a different scent to it now too, with trees pollinating, etc. May get a brief downpour as Iowa's sloppy seconds move through in the next hour or so.
  22. Yeah, can't remember a time previously going from snow to mid-upper 70s two days later. MLI may have tapped 80.
  23. Mid 70s look likely tomorrow. This is like high plains stuff, going from snow to temps like that in just two days.
  24. Very impressive system indeed. This time last night I had no idea what to expect here, as there was so much variability in the short-range guidance. We didn't get in on the accumulating snow, but it did snow lightly for several hours. Was actually pretty interesting being on the fringe. We've benefited all winter at being on the right side of those sharp cutoffs, so just missing out on this system wasn't difficult to take by any means.
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