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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Most of the fields have yet to be planted. So far there's only one field I know of where it's been planted, and the corn is up a few inches. A lot of the low-lying fields are still filled with pools of water in their low areas.
  2. Just picked up 0.46" from a garden variety storm. Most of that fell in about 5 minutes, as the rain was pretty torrential. Now over 4" for May. Farmers around here are about ready to say screw corn and soybeans, and just plant rice instead.
  3. Picked up 0.37" this morning from some rumbly rains. Mosquitoes are getting bad enough you get swarmed immediately after stepping outside. They really suck.
  4. A few uprooted large trees just west of Hillsdale, and several other large trees with significant damage. Definitely 70+mph winds went through that area. Only 60 degrees here, which is over 30 degrees cooler than this time yesterday. Warmth not too far away though, as MLI is at 70.
  5. DVN sounding from earlier this evening shows some very nice mid-level lapse rates. Steep low-level lapse rates as well for anything surface based to gust out some powerful winds. Saw that in a few locations later in the eve as storms became a bit more surface based. The SPC sounding makes the cap look almost non-existent, but it was surely more potent than what's displayed on their graphics. If you look at the same sounding displayed from COD the cap is much more pronounced, and was likely more accurate. This likely cut down on the overall wind/tor potential.
  6. Picked up 0.57" this evening. Small hail cored missed a bit north earlier, but we picked up a brief period of peas a short while ago. Also had 40mph winds as well. Radar showed a small pocket of 60-70kts down near Hillsdale, so may see some tree damage on the way in to work tomorrow.
  7. This has been some of the best lightning I've seen around here. The whole sky filled with lightning at pretty much all times. Lots of bolts shooting across the sky.
  8. The cell northwest of De Witt IA might be one to watch. Looks like a legit sup in the making there. Right on the boundary as well.
  9. Some nice hailers popped up and put on a nice light show. Some pretty nice crashes with those. Hail core passed a little north of here, but got a few very brief downpours. Nice finish to a summery day.
  10. Pretty toasty day today at 91. MLI also hit 91, which was good for a new record. Hard to believe it was snowing and sleeting < 3 weeks ago. Cu has been bubbling up pretty good in the northern/northeastern sky. Cap holding strong though.
  11. Yeah that LLJ should feed tonight's MCS all through the morning tomorrow, so it'll likely go on for quite awhile. HRRR/3km doesn't break out new convection until around, or just after 00z. Good chance it actually happens a bit later than that. Strong capping will be in place just south of the boundary, and with the nocturnal inversion starting to settle in just as the convection finally takes off it makes you wonder just how robust any surface-based convection can get. Good chance tomorrow evening's biggest threat will come from torrential rains from the storms that may have a tendency to train over the same areas as storm motion vectors parallel the nearly stationary boundary.
  12. Hit 80 here today. 79 at MLI. Kinda rare that we beat MLI. Looks like 85 tomorrow with 60s dews, and then back to the 50s all day Fri lol.
  13. Good luck to the DVN/LOT forecast offices with that. Could either be 80 or 50 depending on where the boundary sets up that day. Pretty classic May situation we see every year in this area.
  14. Lots of warmth and humidity showing up for later this week into the weekend. Finally some nice instability to work with for whatever convection we can muster.
  15. Miserable day to be sure. Hopefully we can get cape to exceed 500J/kg at some point before July.
  16. Picked up another 0.14" since the above, to bring us to 0.90"/6.26".
  17. Some thunderless torrential downpours with the line that just came through. Ended up with 0.76". 6.12" since Apr 27th.
  18. The new day1 is basically a copy and paste of the previous day2. Probably the right choice given the conditional setup. Could see some big changes in subsequent outlooks if we can attain substantial instability. If festering zombievection COC blocks the setup then marginal/low-end slight would be more than enough.
  19. Yeah nice little setup for parts of Iowa into north IL. Forecast hodos look great, especially close to the warm front. As per usual the ceiling of this event is conditional. If we could somehow muster enough instability there actually would be some strong tornado potential, so we'll have to see how well we can destabalize. Good chance the DVN office is quite busy tomorrow evening. I have to work all day per usual, but I'll def be out after 5pm.
  20. Another soaker early this morning. 0.69", and still coming down. Have picked up 4.94" since Saturday.
  21. Finished with 1.24" for the day, and just under 6.5" for April.
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