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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Lol @ 12 tor reports from IA today with no watch.
  2. Finished with 1.78". Now up to 16.06" for April and May (6.48" & 9.58").
  3. 1.22" and counting so far today with rain still pouring down. More development as well out in southern Iowa. 9.02" for May.
  4. Getting 45-50mph easterly wind gusts on the back side of this departing storm complex. Seems to be a common theme lately. EDIT: Weather station has recorded a 2mb drop in the past 15 minutes. 29.75" to 29.61" in that time frame (1005 to 1003). EDIT2: Across the river in Clinton hit 60mph just before 2pm.
  5. Chased the sup that formed near the QC and followed it all the way to Paw Paw where it finally produced a very brief tor. We only caught a brief glimpse of it as it was lifting, as we were in a pretty tree-filled area. The sup in it's early stage out near the QC And the very wussy Paw Paw tor barely visible around the 10 sec mark on the left side of the screen. Don't blink you'll miss it.
  6. Sitting on se side of QC. Looks things are kicking off pretty quickly. Saw a little horseshoe vortex an hour or so ago. Lots of low-level shear to be sure..
  7. We're hanging out in the QC currently, but will likely head east towards Dixon or Princeton in a little while. Good luck to everyone heading out today.
  8. From a chasing standpoint I'm pleased to see forecast soundings showing storm speeds AOB 30mph. A rarity it seems for this part of the country at this time of the year.
  9. Fat low-level cape and very low LCLs there.
  10. Will likely be out tomorrow for the first chase of the season. The evolution of the AM convection will likely have something to say about where things set up later in the day, but I have a feeling we'll end up out in the La Salle-Pontiac-Kankakee area.
  11. Another 1.17" overnight/early this morning. Brings May up to 7.49", and 11.74" in the last month (Apr 27).
  12. Numerous 1" hail reports coming out of the IL QCA the past hour or so. We were under a warning for those storms but they are quickly crapping the bed, warning cancelled. Did give us a nice light show in the western/southwestern sky the past hour or so.
  13. Very nice! That was a very photogenic tor. And lol @ the Amish chaser at the 9min mark in the vid.
  14. Yeah these low 70 degree dews feel pretty sultry after the predominately cold spring.
  15. Some nice towers started going up a little east of here, so I jumped in the vehicle and went after them hoping they'd go. Ended up being a waste of time, as they crapped the bed pretty quickly.
  16. Had several thunderstorms traverse through the area this evening. Nothing severe, but lots of lightning, and very heavy downpours. Picked up 1.20", which brings us to 5.82" for May, and 10.07" since April 27, which is less than a month ago.
  17. Lots of towering cumulus building overhead. Had a very brief burst of very large drops a short while ago. Could get a good storm if anything finally takes off.
  18. Interesting. Looks like it was a wake low. MLI and DVN gusted to 58mph, Dubuque gusted to 59mph, and across the river from us at Clinton they hit 60mph. Saw the same pressure fluctuation here on my station. Interestingly, the pressure quickly rose as the precip began around 9:30pm, and then started to quickly fall about a half hour later after the heaviest part of the convection went through. The pressure continued to slowly fall as the light anvil rain fell, and then the pressure very quickly jumped. During that quick pressure jump is when the high winds hit on the very back side of the rain.
  19. Not really sure. I figured those were usually associated with mature severe MCS. This was just a band of weak elevated convection. These were stronger than any winds I've seen with a wake low. The high winds come in waves as well. There would be 5 to 10 mins of lighter winds, and then several minutes of very strong gusts. Would like to see DVN chime in with a writeup on what caused this.
  20. Strange goings on here. Getting 50-60mph easterly winds on the back side of these rain showers lol. High wind warning out.
  21. Aaaaand the days start getting shorter in less than a month lol. Our 91 from awhile back almost seems like it never happened. Picked up 0.09" of rain early this morning.
  22. Was actually cold while out mowing this evening. Looks like some cold strato rains overnight/early tomorrow, and then a band of weak/elevated storms tomorrow eve.
  23. Over 40kft on that new cell firing down near Post TX. Looks to be taking off quite quickly.
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