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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. The high was 67 today here. So far only one 90+ degree day, which was way back over a month ago on May 16th (91).
  2. Yeah it's pretty crazy how it just continues to be so cool. We actually had drizzle for several hours yesterday afternoon/eve beneath a heavy overcast. Bizarre! And here today, it's now noon and we have a heavy overcast with a temp/dew of 66/58 lol. Gonna enjoy today, as we have our usual Vietnam-like humidity coming later this week/weekend. The never ending 75+ dews the last few summers has beaten me down some, as I don't like that kind of humidity like I once did.
  3. Just west of Cedar Rapids at Atkins. 0654 PM TSTM WND GST ATKINS 42.00N 91.86W 06/15/2019 E70 MPH BENTON IA FIRE DEPT/RESCUE SUSTAINED 50-55 MPH, RELAYED BY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT.
  4. Days start getting shorter in 6 days or so. First flakes could be less than 4 months away.
  5. Almost an inch for the day. This evening's storm was a brief downpour, but some decent lightning. Just noticed this morning's Euro shows widespread 6000J/kg cape from northern IL through almost all of Iowa late in the day Sat.
  6. The supercell out ahead of the main line, north of Burlington IA looks like it wants to put down a tor.
  7. Almost noon, and it's 65 degrees with a soaking rain pouring down, with some slow rumbles of thunder. The electric bill is surely gonna look awesome after basically not even needing to run the AC up to this point. Picked up 0.44" of rain so far. May get some Iowa sloppy seconds later this evening.
  8. Getting a solar cover helps substantially. It will warm that puppy up in no time.
  9. Well, you don't see a dewpoint map like this very often in mid June lol.
  10. 11am local time wind chills. Pretty crazy for June 13th.
  11. Picked up about 1/4" of rain today with a few slow rumbles of thunder.
  12. 3km NAM shows temps barely getting out of the 50s Wed, with rainy conditions much of the day. Might have to make a big batch of chili!
  13. Upper 60s in the point for Wed and Thu. NAM shows maybe low 60s on Wed. I have some outside work to do this week so this looks great to me lol.
  14. After the extreme humidity the last few summers I'm down a for a cooler/less humid summer. Sucks for storms, but this area really needs to dry out for a significant amount of time. Still lots of standing water. Never seen it like this for so long.
  15. Pretty crazy to see most of the farm fields untouched now a week into June. Never seen that before. There's a few random fields where not only is the corn planted, but it's over a foot tall. A small percentage of farmers were able to get some planting done awhile back. Looking at the satellite comparison between last year and this year shows a definite difference. Definitely a lack of green compared to last year. Top pic is 6/5/18, and bottom pic is 6/5/19.
  16. Looks like there was a stretch of 70-80mph winds just south of us last night. Several very large trees were uprooted, or snapped off along route 92 between Joslin and Hooppole.
  17. Finished with 1.40" yesterday/early this morning. About 3/4" of that fell in less than 15 mins.
  18. That storm delivered a torrential downpour here with a tremendous display of lightning, and close thunder. Had some pretty strong southeasterly gusts during the height of it. There's definitely a meso vortex associated with this. Just under an inch from this storm alone so far.
  19. Here in Erie all residents in the city are being asked to conserve water usage. Sewage/storm drainage systems are overloaded, and there's been many instances of stuff backing up into peoples basements. Been here 13 years now and can't remember this ever being an issue. Needless to say I'm glad todays convection avoided this area lol.
  20. Mississippi River in Rock Island (western QC) is going to crest about a foot under the new all-time record just set earlier this month.
  21. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/af5ee7dc-5f6f-427c-b835-554b88ede90b
  22. Now up to 1.24" this evening. That brings us up to 10.86" for May, and 15.11" in a little over the past month (Apr 27). Shit's getting out of hand.
  23. That's it, I'm moving to the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area.
  24. Just picked up over 3/4" of rain in less than 20 minutes. Edit: Power went out and wiped away my rain data from today from the weather station console. That's what I get for forgetting to put batteries in the console to back it up during outages. Apparently there is no way to add it back manually, so I'll have to remember to add 1.11" (daily total up to then) to the May 29th data point. That will go for the weather underground page as well.
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