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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Today was the 24th 90+ day of the year at MLI. 17 of those took place in July. Been in a slight risk for severe for the last several outlooks, but short-term guidance generally shows storms crapping the bed before getting here.
  2. I haven't seen the neighborhood lawns this bad since 2012. Basically no rain and intense sun day after day for over a month has taken it's toll. Haven't mowed since July 3rd.
  3. It's gotta be awfully boring being a met during dull stretches like these. There's probably a lot of card games going on in area NWS lately lol.
  4. Not in this sub, but tremendous amounts of rain fell in a narrow corridor in northeast KS last evening/early this morning. There's been a few reports of over 10" southeast of Topeka. Radar estimates as much as 13" may have fallen along that narrow corridor. Most of that fell in about 8hrs.
  5. 12Z Euro shows a trace to a few tenths for most of the DVN over the next 10 days. Also shows the heat returning this weekend and next week. Not as intense as last week's heatwave, but more 90+ in the offing. Saw somewhere that there was a cool pattern coming up for the start of August, but that looks like it may be incorrect if the Euro is correct. AFA the GFS, I don't even bother looking at that anymore lol.
  6. Yeah just 0.06" in the past 3 1/2 weeks. It's funny since back in June we were screaming for it to stop raining so much, as this area was a swamp for months. Well I guess we got what we wished for lol.
  7. HRRRRRR has indicated a few cells might try to pop nearly overhead around midday, so we have a slight chance at some rain before the next stretch of dryness begins. Vis shows some convective looking cu from extreme northwest IL into the nose of Iowa, so I guess we'll keep an eye on that lol.
  8. Picked up 0.02" early this morning. That brings us up to 0.64" for July.
  9. Damn! That reminds me of some of the video/pics from along highway 98 after Hurricane Michael.
  10. That's insane. You'd think with the extreme drought and the lower humidity it would allow the temp to fall a bit more at night. Shows just how insanely intense that heat wave was.
  11. The streak ended after 65hrs. There's probably been longer streaks there in the past, but I can't remember any longer than that. Perhaps 1995? It's pretty difficult it seems to keep temps AOA 80 even in the hottest setups. The temp may stay pretty warm all night, only to quickly dip into the upper 70s around daybreak. So a streak of almost 3 days is pretty impressive.
  12. Yeah it looks like we won't get a drop here either, which is actually pretty impressive given the setup. It looked like we could really be in for it earlier. Sitting at 0.62" for July, which is kind of funny considering how ridiculously wet we were a month or so ago. The grass has really fried up the past 10 days or so.
  13. MLI hit 97 for the hottest temp of the year. Their streak of AOA 80 degrees is now at 60hrs and counting.
  14. Nice. That would be miserable being at a game in conditions like today. Wind shift hit here about 5 min ago. Temp has already dropped 6 degrees.
  15. OFB is minutes away. Think I'll grab a frosty and sit out back and take in the north breeze.
  16. Nice line of towering cu in the northern and northwestern sky. Relief from the intense heat/humidity is literally on the horizon.
  17. MLI has been AOA 80 since 9am Thursday.
  18. It's 5am and MLI is 82/76 with a heat index of 89. Pretty rough stuff. La Crosse is roasting at 85/79 with a 98 heat index!
  19. Storm tops to 67kft northeast of Eau Claire. Very impressive.
  20. MLI only attained 96 today which is kinda meh since they already hit 96 earlier this summer. The moisture is impressive though. Heat index of 119 in Muscatine, 115 at Sterling and here. Like Hoosier mentioned the wind helps it from feeling as bad as it could be out there.
  21. Low temp was a balmy 82 at MLI. The heat index min was 87.
  22. For MLI I'll go with 97 for tomorrow, and 99 for Sat.
  23. 85 degrees with a heat index of 95... at midnight. Gotta love how we can have this kind of heat at midnight this time of year, and have near -20 degree temps at midday in extreme cold setups in the winter.
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