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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. I'm surprised at the relative lack of big lake snows there. Ever since you moved from LAF back to where you are now I can't remember you having a major lake event there. Maybe I just forgot lol. I always figured anywhere from the IN/IL border and points east got blasted all the time during the winter. Guess it isn't as common as I thought.
  2. 1.3" overnight for a 3-day total of 4.3". Interestingly 99% of the snow fell at night lol. Net gain from before the 3-day snow began is around an inch or so. Other than that brief period early last eve, and some drizzle during the down periods in between the waves it was all snow here.
  3. Nice snow globe out there as we continue to hold onto the western edge of the snow area. 1.2" as of a bit ago. Snow is about to shift east out of here so the event is about done here. If we wouldn't have had rain wasting the precip earlier we would have had over 2" easily by now.
  4. Very nice. Yeah this last wave was optimized for your area. Still snowing quite nicely here as well. Snow is fairly wet, so ratio is prob around or a bit under 10:1. Flake size is medium, but pouring down nicely. About an inch of fairly dense new snow so far.
  5. Snow is pouring down here, medium flakes. Half inch so far, and sticking to paved surfaces as well. Trees are coating up nicely. Wish it could do this all night.
  6. Only thing I can think of is it was pretty foggy before, and at the onset of precip. Maybe the high saturation "water logged" the flakes as they hit the melting layer (around 500ft) and caused rapid melting? All snow here now, and ripping pretty nicely.
  7. Mostly snow here finally, prob 75/25 snow/rain. Some nice flake size.
  8. Looking at the new DVN RAOB makes it pretty surprising that it's still 80/20 rain/snow here. Only an extremely shallow layer of above freezing air at the surface. Even light precip should be enough to quickly flip this over to all snow. Grrr
  9. Better pace yourself, you got a long night of rippage ahead.
  10. And we're hoping for some sloppy seconds from tonight's wave
  11. Some wet flakes beginning to mix in here. It's a race against time here as it looks like the precip will only last till around midnight or so.
  12. Yeah I remember when the FV3 and old GFS were running simultaneously. The FV3 was kind of fun to laugh at while still being able to use the somewhat usable GFS. Once the FV3 took over it was like a sober and trashed person exchanged positions in the front seats.
  13. Lots of melting going on today, with a temp of 35 at the moment. Temps are about the same as yesterday, but for some reason it seems the snow is melting faster. Our 3" of new snow between the last few nights is mostly gone, but the original 4" of glacier remains, and should be much slower to melt than the newer snows were. Looks like a fresh dusting tonight, and that could be it for quite awhile as we head into another benign stretch.
  14. Very nice. You're about 6" ahead of us. Best event of the winter will no doubt be the 5" snow followed by the mini-ice event.
  15. 1.5" overnight for a 2-day total of 3.0". What fell last night has already begun melting.
  16. The GFS has been downright terrible, but the EC sucked pretty bad as well. Overall all model performance is pretty shitty as a whole. We really don't know what's going to happen until we're less than 24 hours from an event. From a forecast standpoint the best option is to pick the most lame outcome (similar to ALEK's approach) and you'll usually be right.
  17. Snow has been pretty light so far this eve. Picked up 0.2" since the snow began shortly after sunset.
  18. The bleeding continues with another tick east on the 18z Euro. Looks like we'll mostly be shut out with tomorrow night's event. Should have stuck with the original 2-4" call.
  19. The old AVN model was better than this POS called GFS.
  20. Think we've lost most of what fell last night/early this morning. Been in the mid 30s all day with off and on drizzle.
  21. It's looking like the Dekalb/SchaumburgStormer area could be in line for the max totals. Possibly west side of Chicago if trends continue to bump east.
  22. Lots of dripping and wet roads here with a temp at 35. The sky has brightened up as well, which is aiding the melting on paved surfaces, etc. Biggest question here is tomorrow night's grand finale spoke of energy. We're on the western edge of that, and the Euro has bumped a bit east with that. A few more ticks east and we'll miss out on the best of that. Still gonna ride the 4-7" for grand total for now.
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