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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Kind of on the western edge of things here, but it looks like perhaps 1/4-1/2" of cold rain tomorrow afternoon/evening. Nice soaker for eastern IL.
  2. Not sure when they updated it, but wxbell is now showing the 06z/18z Euro runs now. Nice addition. They're also continuing to tweak the model graphics, as they've just recently added 3hr increments for P-type/thickness to the Euro. EDIT: And now I see they have added hourly maps for many of the parameters, like surface temp, etc. Very nice!
  3. This system is pretty impressive with the wind. Nice long-duration strong wind event. MLI peaked at 50mph so far, DVN hit 47mph. Have consistently been getting 35-42mph gusts since this time yesterday.
  4. Picked up 0.43" this morning here. The day has transitioned from a very dark/showery morning into a bright and windy afternoon with full sun, and some cu streets passing overhead. What little fall color we had developing on the trees is being stripped away today by the strong winds. Winds look lighter after tomorrow for the rest of the week, so hopefully the color will build up nicely by the weekend. DVN has bumped the wind advisory into the central/western cwa. Smart move as it looks to become very windy overnight. Have already been getting 30-35mph gusts, but 40-45+ looking likely after midnight.
  5. I'd take that. Let's get '19/'20 season started right!
  6. Looks like the models had a pretty good handle on it. As per usual the GFS played catch up with the Euro.
  7. If you have 3+hrs to spare, here's a time lapse of snow depth from every day going back to 1950 (up to 2015). EDIT: I didn't make this time lapse lol
  8. Yeah it was a whole different world up there today compared to our areas. It nearly hit 60 here with full sunshine all day. Felt cooler though with the very dry air, and the relentless winds. Speaking of the wind, it's likely somebody flipped a switch around sundown. It's practically dead calm out there now lol.
  9. Freeze warning verified as we hit 31 here. Only made it to 33 at MLI and DVN though. Quite a bit windier than I thought it would be today. Have been getting gusts to near 40mph at times. There was even some blowing dust out in some of the freshly harvested fields while driving home from work earlier.
  10. This time last night the dew was 63. Right now it's 26. Have seen a thousand of these types of rapid air mass changes in my lifetime but it never seems to get old. Always exciting to see such a dramatic change take place. Temps have languished a bit this eve with the cloud deck at around 5k ft remaining overhead, but the back edge of the cloud deck is almost here. Should see our current temp of 39 dip down below freezing before sunrise.
  11. Definitely a reality check today with the first blast of legit cool weather. September was so summerly it kinda felt like summer would never end lol. Today is a reminder that Ned Stark was right, winter is coming.
  12. Temp and dew have both dropped about 20 degrees since 4am. Freeze warning out for tonight.
  13. Billings Montana has been enjoying a comfortable afternoon with temps in the mid 70s and some sunshine. Should be snowing by midnight, with up to 10" by this time tomorrow.
  14. Very weird to see snowfall forecast maps like this when it still feels like Summer just finally left us.
  15. Picked up about 3/4" rain this afternoon.
  16. Nice soaking there. 0.00" here, but looks like a shot at a wave of decent rains this evening. 3km NAM shows some pretty decent convection rolling through mid-evening. The surface low is just to the north, which has kept us in a little wedge of warmth and humidity. Still pretty muggy out there with 74/71 at the moment. Should drop a good 10 degrees by noon.
  17. As expected storms crapped the bed upon entering the heart of the DVN cwa. Still 80 degrees with a dew of 72 at midnight. Looking forward to the refreshing Canadian air later tomorrow and beyond.
  18. Awaiting our usual Iowa sloppy seconds later tonight.
  19. MLI tagged 90 today. Made it to 87 here. Quite the change from yesterdays 60s and cool rain.
  20. Wow, those are some pretty serious totals there. Hope those areas can miss out on most of the rain the next few days.
  21. SPC had 5% tor probs on the day2 for today's setup. The new day1 has 0% probs for tor. Wonder which one will be correct? Still LOL-ing at Broyles 10% hatched nader for north-central Iowa a few days ago that was quickly downgraded and ended up being a big nada.
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