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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. A little under 1.5" so far. The accumulation rates have been very slow all evening. Mostly due to very small flake size for 4hrs, and the showery nature of the better rates. Kind of typical for a long-duration event. Still another 10-12hrs of steady snows to go, so 4-5" still looking good. Rates should get better later on when the showery stuff pushes east, and we get more into the deformation zone.
  2. Nice to see an over-achiever there. Snow is beginning to stick to paved areas here as well, as we've dropped to 30. Closing in on an inch on non-paved areas. Flakes are larger now. The first 4hrs had very fine flakes.
  3. Grassy and elevated surfaces have dusted up with a few tenths so far. Flakes are very small and pouring straight down.
  4. A few flakes coming down at the moment, mixed with some drizzle. Looks like all things are go for a solid advisory criteria event. Euro bumped us up to close to 1/2" of precip. GFS and NAMs came back to Earth a bit, after showing 6-9" for several runs. Looking like a nice 4-5" type of event. Good chance we won't see anything like this again on Halloween. Gonna be pretty sweet watching game 7 of the World Series with snow ripping outside.
  5. October @ MLI was pretty close to a very rare occurrence for around these parts. That would be to hit 90 and receive an inch of snow in the same calendar month. MLI hit 88 on Oct 1st, and recorded 1.1" of snow between the 28-29th. I think the heat index on the 1st was in the low-mid 90s, so I guess there's that lol.
  6. Models are still all over the place with amounts for the QCA. Only thing that's clear is tonight's snow misses southeast, and then a nice long-duration snow event starting tomorrow evening. 2-5" would probably be a safe choice. Anything measurable at this point in the season is pretty noteworthy, so it'll be a big win to be sure.
  7. That's very impressive. Definitely wouldn't surprise me to see such a focused and intense band show up like that. Gonna be very devastating to trees and powerlines along that stretch.
  8. I noticed a lot of trees dumped a crap load of leaves today. It's almost as if they got the message from ma nature to dump them or face getting destroyed lol.
  9. NAMs and GFS are still showing 6-8" for the QCA. Not bad considering tonight's snows will miss southeast. 3km NAM shows some pretty nice rippage tomorrow night.
  10. Pretty impressive! All snow here now, and dumping pretty nicely. Temp has dropped to freezing. Grass has quickly dusted up with white in the past ten mins.
  11. Picked up 0.07" of rain. It's mostly snow now, with very fine flakes pouring down. Some minor slush showing up on elevated surfaces. Should snow pretty nicely between 1-2am, which could result in a quick inch on the grass/elevated surfaces. Temp is down to 33.
  12. Wow, that Sycamore has pretty nice color. Around here they usually look more like how the lower portion of the above tree looks, before dropping.
  13. Very nice. Visibilities AOB a mile extend back towards Grinnell and Pella, so you should have nice snow for a decent while longer. Have a 50/50 mix of rain/snow here now. Large solitary flakes raining down with the rain. Temp has dropped from 39 to 35 in the past half hour.
  14. Yeah it's pretty cool how it can be like this, or have near 80 degree warmth. Halloween is one of the biggest crap shoots there are in regards to weather compared to most holidays.
  15. And that's a pretty nice win given it's so early in the season. EDIT: Forgot to mention earlier, I'll be relocating further south here in about 6 weeks. About 4 blocks south on the south side of Erie more into the country lol. Offer on the new house was accepted yesterday.
  16. First snow of the new season this eve. Have a mix of mostly rain, with partially melted flakes raining down. Sounds kind of sleety.
  17. Yeah some interesting trends the past day or two. This reminds me of the late Oct 1997 storm that dropped a few inches here, and quite a bit more on Cedar Rapids/Iowa City. Tonight's GFS dumps about a foot on the area. Would be a hell of a mess with the trees still about 80% full of leaves.
  18. Not sure how it's doing that far out this season, but last winter it wasn't too good beyond 18hrs in regards to precip amounts. Seemed to low-ball amounts beyond the 18hr range.
  19. The weaker/less phased version of the system ala what the 12z EC shows benefits the QCA. Would mean a mostly snow scenario with just a brief period of rain Thu. Looking forward to the first flakes of the season.
  20. Decent little rain event here on the western edge. Picked up 0.65" so far. If this were a winter event we would have just sneaked into a warning criteria event. Winds have been pretty tame here (especially compared to last Mon/Tue lol).
  21. If today's system were a snow maker we'd really be sweating the western edge lol. Models have bumped up QPF to between 0.5-0.75". Very steep drop off in amounts as you head west into extreme eastern IA. This kind of reminds me of 12/1/2006 but with rain.
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