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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Looks like the rain may change over to a period of wet snow before it ends early this evening.
  2. Last season after the foot of snow that fell on Nov 26 we had basically nothing until about Jan 12. After that it went nuts for a good month with snow system after snow system. If we are to end up with a long stretch of down time I'll just try to remember how it worked out last season lol.
  3. Maybe it was a typo, and he meant to type big lizzards instead.
  4. Getting such a spread the wealth system this large can be difficult sometimes even in the middle of winter. To get one like this so early is pretty remarkable.
  5. A new record cold high at MLI today of 19.
  6. Amazing cold. DVN made it down to -6 early this morning, Clinton hit -7. Hit zero here.
  7. So shall we largely ignore the NCEP guidance beyond the 48-72hr mark this season? The GFS has flopped hard on the first two systems of note. I know it's definitely gonna be hard to take it seriously until it scores a win or a tie at the least.
  8. Finished with 3" on avg. Was somewhat difficult with all the blowing. The snow is quite slushy on the bottom layer over paved surfaces. Still a very quality event for so early, and was fun to track.
  9. Fun little system to track. Can't believe another quality event so early. Looks like 4-6" looking more likely here. If we can get a slight nudge south 6"+ isn't out of the question.
  10. Apparently DVN isn't too impressed lol. While the lift will occur in a good thermal area for dendritic growth, the forcing looks to be rather weak, progressing southward at a good clip, and interacting with limited moisture. This system is still coming together over the east Pacific and northern Canada, resulting in minor differences in critical features and QPF fields in the models. For now, it looks like a widespread dusting to 1 inch, with higher amounts setting up along the eastern reaches of the I-80 corridor in IL. Current timing has the measurable snow winding down in this area before sunrise and by mid morning across the far south.
  11. Looks like the 18z NAM is coming around more towards Euro and Canadian. Looks like a nice 2-3" type event around here.
  12. Looking forward to some more mood flakes Sun night/Mon morning.
  13. Oops, I meant to type Black River Falls. They're down to -6 now. 16 here, which is the coldest temp of the season so far. There are still some remnants of snow where it drifted deep out in the country on Halloween. Pretty impressive to have snow last on the ground over a week during the first week of November, and with near 60 degree temps yesterday to boot.
  14. Rochester MN already down to 7, and Lone Rock WI at 8.
  15. -6 at Sheldon Iowa, and 0 at Estherville. Pretty crazy to see below zero temps a week after Halloween.
  16. Some mood flakes whipping around in the gusty advection winds this eve. Leaves are drifting up as well in yards left unraked.
  17. Most of the trees around here are bare now after the snow and temps in the teens on the 1st. Even trees that were mostly green dumped a lot of those off that morning.
  18. The obligatory sure glad the models come out an hour earlier post.
  19. Got down to 17 this morning. Any trees that had leaves were dumping them this morning.
  20. 3.0" here and still snowing nicely, with a nice enhanced band about to move in from the west. Should have no problem clearing the 4" mark. The snow pack is pretty dense due to the wet nature, and the smaller flakes much of the event.
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