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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yeah last winter was one of my all-time favorites. Everything seemed to over-perform, and of course we had the all-time record cold. Had a 6 week down period, but other than that it was fantastic. The winter before that we had that awesome late March event that dumped over 10" here, while areas a county to the north got squat. Unless the snow completely shuts off we should end up close to average this winter. The only frustrating thing about this winter is the lack of daytime snows, but that's just being a bit picky. Also, no warning criteria events, but it's hard to complain about that when folks off to the east are having a horrific winter.
  2. It's only a matter of time until you get dumped on while we sit under an empty cirrostratus canopy lol.
  3. Not too far away at MLI they're up to 51 already, but only 43 here. Still the warmest it's been in quite awhile and should continue to denature our snow pack. Very nice to see the sun after days upon days of gloom and frizzle.
  4. Trying to narrow down the exact path of these multiple waves be like
  5. I'll go with 1-3" for the first call for here/QC. Good chance that will be the final call. Nocturnal nickel and diming our way towards an avg winter. Def could be worse.
  6. Mood flakes during the day are always a win at least lol.
  7. Massive cotton balls falling from the sky a short while ago. Biggest flakes I've seen in awhile. Up to almost an inch of lumpy accumulation. I didn't even know it was supposed to snow tonight lol.
  8. Nice snow globe effect going on at the moment. Large flakes, light wind. The paved areas have dusted up quickly even with temps still above freezing.
  9. As soon as darkness fully set in light snow moved in. #2019/2020 winter of nocturnal snows.
  10. Another day with drizzle. This time it was non-freezing. Had a few flurries early this morning as well. Lost an inch or two of snow pack today as temps made the mid 30s.
  11. I'm losing track now, but today was at least the 4th day in a row with freezing drizzle. Just took the trash to the curb and it's actually freezing drizzling pretty robustly atm.
  12. I wish they'd bring back "see text". That was always funny to laugh at when setups crapped the bed.
  13. We've had off and on freezing drizzle since last night as well. The AWOS/ASOS sites aren't picking it up for some reason, apparently too light? It may be too light for them, but it was enough to cause a very rapid flash freeze of frozen drops on the windshield on the drive in to work this morning, which was a bit unsettling lol. Kind of shows a weakness in the lack of human obs with these automated stations we have nowadays.
  14. GFS and the Euro continue to indicate some sort of threat around the 4-5th. About the only thing to watch so hopefully the threat continues as we get closer.
  15. I'd love to see a radar/satellite loop of that event. Doubt anything comes close to matching that short period of weather in our lifetimes. Had off and on freezing drizzle all day.
  16. Ground zero @ 384hrs out on the op GFS. What can go wrong?
  17. About 3-4" of frozen crust left here. Should be mostly gone by later in the weekend. Hope we can replenish it around the 4-5th of Feb.
  18. Based on that there's a good chance a fee will be required eventually.
  19. Wonder if Pivotal is eventually going to start charging for their Euro stuff. I always heard the EC model data was super expensive, so maybe they're building a new following by adding all this stuff only to ask for $ eventually? If it goes on and continues to be free it will be interesting to see what happens with sites like WxBell in regards to prices, etc. Or, will sites like COD feel compelled to add EC data at a cheap/free price. Speaking of model sites, ol' Twisterdata has been the same since 2010ish. Same graphics and same 3 models. Kinda cool in a way as it's sort of a throwback lol. I still look at it once in awhile for nostalgia.
  20. Euro and GFS both showing a big dump of cold air around the 4th-5th of Feb. Hopefully something of quality can develop on the leading edge of that. Until then, zzzzz.
  21. Getting a few last gasp flurries from the tail-end of the final spoke of precip. A parting gift from a truly memorable 3-day event.
  22. I'm surprised at the relative lack of big lake snows there. Ever since you moved from LAF back to where you are now I can't remember you having a major lake event there. Maybe I just forgot lol. I always figured anywhere from the IN/IL border and points east got blasted all the time during the winter. Guess it isn't as common as I thought.
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