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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Too bad daddylonglegs doesn't post anymore. He's in line to receive a nice 6-9" out of this thread-the-needle event. I'll go with 1" here/QC. If anything falls at least it will be during the day.
  2. Getting some snizzle, with a bit of frizzle early this morning. Big difference between here and northern IA. Temps in the upper 20s here, whilst Mason City is at a bone chilling -3.
  3. The 0.5" of feathery fluff that fell last night was so dry it mostly sublimated away today as opposed to melted. Temp only made it 32, but by day's end the entirety of last night's snow was history.
  4. zzzzz. Bring on spring. Let's hope that next winter delivers a warning criteria event to more than two members outside of the lake belts.
  5. Not really expecting much with this one for the DVN cwa. This looks like a MN/WI special.
  6. Just snuck into the far northwest shield of snow overnight, and ended up dropping 0.5" of fluff.
  7. Actually snowing pretty decently now. Nice dendrites snow globing down. Have accumulated a few tenths of fluff.
  8. Still early, but I'm leaning towards a D or D- winter for a grade unless we can get a quality event between now and March. Even though we have a good shot at getting close to avg if we can muster another 10", it's been a very unsatisfying winter. Almost every snow event has been at night, and there's just not been much to get excited about overall this season. Systems downtrending in the final 48hrs has been an unfortunate theme this winter. We need a good widespread winter storm with some balls to wipe away the lameness that dominated this season.
  9. Been spitting flakes here for a little while, non accumulating. Not a complete shutout but my 1-3" call will bust way high.
  10. Which also means there's strings attached lol. Actually getting a few flakes here now.
  11. @Hoosier Looks like my call came right away lol.
  12. I can almost hear it tapping at the windows lol. Speaking of sleet, there's a report from just west of St. Louis of 1" of sleet.
  13. Gonna remain flakeless here it seems. Would have been another nocturnal nickel and dimer anyway. Pass. On to the next.
  14. Ahhh sweet, back up to 0.8" here. I'll take it.
  15. FWIW the HRRR beyond 18hrs has had a tendency to be too dry in past seasons. Not sure if it will be the case again this time, but wouldn't surprise me.
  16. Looking forward to tracking the next strung out pos later this week/weekend.
  17. Lol @ today's trends. You gotta love it. Guess I'll change my 1-3" call to 1-3 flakes. Good luck to you peeps downstate, and over towards IN/OH/MI.
  18. Haha, we are a jaded bunch of enthusiasts. Pleased to see a tick northwest on most of the guidance today. Still gonna ride my 1-3" call though.
  19. Damn, that's substantially warmer than it got here, 40 degrees. Was enough to melt off some more snow though, and now down to 1-2" or so.
  20. 23.0", which is pretty decent considering how fickle these systems have been across the sub this winter. We've had a 5" storm, and a 4" storm (Halloween) so far.
  21. New Euro is a dog turd duster for the DVN cwa, but a nice hit from Hoosier up towards Detroit/YYZ.
  22. A complete miss southeast is possible, but I'm gonna ride my 1-3" call even if it goes down in flames
  23. Quite a substantial difference remains between here and MLI, which is only about 25-30 miles. They hit at least 57, and we hit 46. Their 57 was only a degree from tying the old record. Upper 70s in southern MO, with even a few 80 degree readings just south of the MO border in far northern AR.
  24. If models trend southeast hopefully this will be a nice hit for the downstate IL to Ohio crew. They are definitely due.
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