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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Half dollar sized flakes with this latest enhanced band. Very impressive. A little over 2" now. The trees really caked up now with lots of snow.
  2. A very nice enhanced band overhead now and it's raining down very large flakes.
  3. 55 degree difference in wind chill right now between Des Moines and Estherville IA. Des Moines chill is +27, while Estherville is way down at -28! Not all that far of a distance apart relatively speaking.
  4. Looks like about an inch or so, so far. Snow pouring down nicely with medium sized flakes. Like many of you I was surprised at how quickly the snow started sticking on paved areas. Roads were quite greasy on the drive home a short while ago. The trees are all caked up with the wet snow as well.
  5. Some pretty nasty wind chills up in North Dakota/northwest MN this morning. At Grand Forks ND they have a temp of -9, with winds gusting to 52mph. Wind chill there is -40.
  6. If we got 2.5" out of this I would consider that a major win. Especially if the first flakes can manage to fall before sundown lol. Gut feeling is we get <1" though.
  7. Yeah I feel like a cat endlessly chasing after some kind of toy. For a bit you can tell it feels kind of stupid for continuously chasing it, but then quickly resumes chasing after it.
  8. This is gonna be one for the ages. I for one feel quite privileged to be able to observe the ferocious winter onslaught that is forthcoming.
  9. We'll always have Halloween 2019 lol.
  10. Guess I'll lower my call here to 0.5-1.5" lol. 24hrs ago I was worried my 1-3" call would bust low. Silly me.
  11. Some of the more juicy models are dropping 4"+ here, but gonna ride the usual 1-3" and hope that it works out better than the last system. Hopefully by 18z Wed the models will have converged on their final solution. Might not happen until the 00z Thu suite though.
  12. Looks like one last chance Fri or Sat morning. We've only had one subzero day here (Jan 19 @ -2), and a few zero lows. Looks like -5 is possible Fri morning, especially if we can manage to lay down some fresh powda..
  13. 1-3" first call for here/QC. Snow shall commence at sundown and shut off around 5am. All eyes will be pointing towards the street lights Wednesday evening.
  14. It'll be March 30th, and will fall from Carbondale IL to Athens OH.
  15. 9.9" up at La Crosse. Pretty impressive. Finished with a few tenths of rain (some very minor glazing), and 0.1" of sleet.
  16. We're under an enhanced blob of precip now, and it's all liquid, so we're clearly done with frozen precip type precip today. At least we got 5 minutes of flakes, and a light dusting of sleet. I'm giving the models an F- for this one. For days it showed at least a few hour period of all snow for the QCA up until last evening when they started to show mixing could be an issue even at onset. That's why it's usually good to error on the side of lameness when forecasting about 95% of the time.
  17. Snow lasted about 5 mins. Now mostly frz rain with a little light sleet again.
  18. And just like that it's mostly snow, with a little sleet.
  19. Slightly heavier radar returns have moved overhead, and now there's some light sleet mixing in with the light freezing rain. Temp right at 32.
  20. Some very light freezing rain has began here.
  21. Things aren't so clear out this way compared to northeast IL. Precip type looks to be an issue all of the sudden after the models had been showing all snow to start for days. It still could be all snow to start, but it's not a sure thing. Good chance it fails to start as snow since it will be during the daytime lol. Hopefully models are too warm and we can at least get a quick burst of heavy snow before the drizzly dry slot moves in.
  22. Hi-res models are showing a very short window of snow here before the changeover occurs. 1" might be a pipe dream.
  23. Looks similar to the WAA event a few weeks ago in which as soon as heavier precip moves out it will quickly flip to liquid.
  24. If we can manage a good hour of rippage out of this tomorrow morning I'll consider that a big win. Been so hard to get snow of any intensity to fall during the daytime this season. Models indicate a quick inch or so followed by drizzle/light rain.
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