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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Had a burst of sprinkles around 4am here.
  2. Pretty cool that there's severe ongoing in the southern end of our state tonight. A sign that seasons are changing. You wouldn't know it tonight though, as temps are in the upper 20s. Hopefully something interesting shows up to track in the last half of this month. Other than the snow/ice system back in mid Jan all the events have been very wussy going back several months. Need something with some cahones to break the trend.
  3. Yeah it seems to do best in a well-mixed low-level environment, which is usually full of sun. A few weeks ago it was showing a marginal severe setup for southern IA. It has temps reaching into the mid 50s, but in reality they ended up about 10 degrees cooler and instead of 500-700 J/kg of cape there was 0. Not sure if it was too aggressive in breaking up the clouds that day or what, but it was way too optimistic with temps.
  4. This is why I always follow the farmer's almanac. 60% of the time it works every time.
  5. HRRR ended up being pretty close to reality for high temps today. It had MLI hitting 66, and they hit 65. Hit 63 here. Warmest since Christmas lol.
  6. Haha, maybe. Must be old age. There's definitely an extra spring in everyone's step today. Temps are skyrocketing like a mofo lol. It's already in the mid 50s, with a ripping south breeze. First robins have showed up today, which is kind of a funny coincidence. Went from none, to about 5-6 out in the back yard hopping around, picking through the leftover dried leaves from last year looking for something to snack on. Looks like mid to upper 60s this afternoon.
  7. Well, we've made it to met spring. So long underwhelming half-assed winter of 19/20! Time for outdoor grilling, and daily checks of the SPC site to see if any interesting convective events are on the way. Cheers!
  8. Looking like the first 10-12 days of March will be quiet. Euro has 70s into the west half of Iowa next Monday.
  9. Had a surprising inch of snow this morning. Didn't even know it was supposed to snow lol. Kind of funny, spend several days tracking an event that looked like it could dump 8"+ to within 24hrs, and it gives us a trace, and then something like this happens. Gotta love it.
  10. I just read through the March 22-24 2018 storm thread to cleanse myself of this current storm's disappointment lol.
  11. Should go above 60 on Sunday. Since we have bare ground and it will be quite dry as well by then, hopefully MLI can make a run at 70.
  12. Which makes us completely missing out on the current event even worse. Oh well, we'll always have Halloween. We'll always have Halloween. We'll always hav...
  13. Getting some non-accumulating pixie dust on the extreme northwest fringe. Vis is prob 9.9 miles.
  14. Saw about 2 flakes leaving work a bit ago. That was the extent of the storm system for here. What a joke.
  15. Still a bit early, but it's almost time to give out our annual winter grades. At this point I'm thinking an F+ works here. We've had worse winters with less snow, but the majority of the snow this winter fell late at night, lack of a warning criteria event, and constant rug-pulling-out-from-under-at-the-last-minute events have made it a lower grade than what seasonal totals would normally dictate. With how well things went last winter when pretty much everything seemed to work out for this area we def can't complain too much about how this winter went here. If it weren't for the fact that 80% of our less than average snowfall happened in the middle of the night I probably would have given it a D+, or C- even with that models screwing us over and over at the last minute multiple times.
  16. Just another tidbit to lol at. From 7-13" to what will likely be not a flake. This is the granddaddy of all busts for this area.
  17. For a little perspective for those further upstream of this pos. This is how things have changed in the last 24hrs. Who knows what the difference will be between tonight and tomorrow night at this rate. Last night at this time we were looking at this fresh off the press from the 3km NAM. 24hrs later, this is what it shows from the same ending period of 12z Wed.
  18. Wow what a pos of a "storm". This one will be lucky to drop a sloppy inch or two in nw PA.
  19. DVN hasn't updated their fb page in over 12hrs. Last update still shows 8" for QC. I guess that's one way to get around a bunch of angry posts from the public, just stay silent and hope they forget what you posted earlier lol.
  20. Out of the game here obviously, so it almost feels like I'm sitting in one of those lifeboats looking back at the Titanic as she slowly sinks.
  21. Almost seems to be getting worse from southwest to northeast, along the main axis of snowfall. So not only is it shifting southeast, it's weakening from southwest to northeast. By this time tomorrow we might be looking at a 1-3"er from Indy to Cleveland lol.
  22. Haha, no doubt. I guess I'll also have to stick with my call for the biggest dog of the season, the late March southern IL to southern OH whopper.
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