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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Looks like maybe some snow here on Sunday. With as bad as models have been I'll wait to make my first call till Sun AM lol.
  2. Pretty lame event overall today. The DVN area getting decaying Iowa sloppy seconds per usual. Still waiting on first thunder since last fall or summer.
  3. Just had a very heavy downpour pass over and drop 0.11" in a few minutes. Very large drops. Dew is up to 58.
  4. If I had all the time in the world I likely would have chased today. But as per usual work limited my chance. Hopefully some storms can manage to make it in here later this evening for a little lightning.
  5. Looking forward to the 60+ dews late tomorrow/tomorrow eve. Will be the first time this year for that. Time to throw some brats on the grill and throw back a few frosties.
  6. You beat me lol. Picked up 0.29" here.
  7. A memo from the top came out today at work stating we aren't shutting down. Over 2000 employees work there so this may get interesting.
  8. Thunderless rain this time of the year is pretty lame. Maybe April will provide us with a little thunder.
  9. Picked up 0.1" of snow this morning.
  10. 18z GFS has a nice 6-10" snowstorm all along the I-80 corridor from Iowa to northern Ohio about 300hrs out. One more model run and I say let's start a thread.
  11. Best daytime snow event of the season hands down. Snowed pretty much all day, with a nice snow globe period mid-afternoon. Also had a nice period of snow pellets around that same time mixed in with the larger dendrites. Was gone most of the day, and the snow has mostly melted off so I'll just go with an inch.
  12. For the record, the big storm I was prognosticating wasn't until the end of the month lol.
  13. Picked up 0.01" from showers along fropa earlier.
  14. Sure is inconvenient that all the model sites unanimously decided to dish out the model data an hour late the past several days. wtf!!!!!!
  15. Yeah wish we could just skip to May or June. The fail of 19/20 winter is done. March is a dud. Prob gonna have another cold/wussy April like per usual. Let's just skip to May and June and hope the 2% tor prob days pay off in Iowa like they have in the past 3 yrs.
  16. 1.51" of rain today. Still very light rain coming down. Biggest weather event since Jan lol.
  17. Closing in on a half inch of rain. Should make an inch the way it's looking. Steady light rain, with regular intervals of moderate rain. Grass is still brown. Need to get some thunder up here if we're going to get any greening up of that of any consequence.
  18. Looking forward to a nice soaking rain tomorrow. Anywhere from 3/4-1" of rain looks likely. Would love some thunder, but looks like that's not in the cards this go around.
  19. MLI made it to 71 today. Hit 68 here.
  20. First 70 of the year tomorrow if the HRRRRRR is correct.
  21. 40-50mph winds out there. Sleet is mixing in with the cold rain showers. The pinging against the west windows is alarmingly loud lol.
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