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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. 1.5" of rain in the past 40 minutes. Still dumping, and now under a flash flood warning lol. Sure is nice to hear the constant rumble of thunder. Some things just never get old.
  2. Yeah was just gonna post about that. Very nice light show atm. Very heavy rains moving in.
  3. First thunder of the year a bit ago. Had a brief, but nice downpour roll through and quickly dropped 0.12" of rain. Tiny hail core just missed southeast with what was probably peas.
  4. Pretty amazing that just 5 days ago we were enjoying a 3" snow event, and now we're looking at a decent severe setup for tomorrow. Gotta love March.
  5. Not to get off topic but the parent sup that spawned the infamous Fairdale tor had nice rotation not too long after it initiated, and was cranking quite nicely aloft before it dropped the tor out near Ashton. The main sup that we chased that day started way out by Ottumwa, and followed it up to near Clinton when it finally produced.
  6. Oh no, does that mean the model performance hasn't hit rock bottom yet? lol
  7. Think Broyles half-assed it per usual. Based on model data last eve the threat should have been much further north in coverage. Later model data could change that, but based off the data he should have been looking at the threat area was poorly outlined.
  8. Aaaaaaand there it goes. Just like that, the end of winter 2019/2020. Around halfway through the vid the low clouds change direction about 180 degrees.
  9. Despite temps not much above freezing, and a solid overcast the snow is already mostly gone. The ol' sun angle doing work.
  10. Let's hope so. Over 3" now, and still dumping. Hard to believe I was wondering if we'd get anything to stick at all back around 5pm. Here's 8hrs of time lapse condensed to under a minute, from about 1pm to 8pm. Have added a few inches since this vid ended. Should have switched it over to night lapse mode to keep it going.
  11. 2.8", still snowing nicely. Very nice rally the past 3hrs
  12. After a very slow start (4hrs of non-accumulating snow) it has made up for it in a hurry. About 1.5" now, and still coming down moderately.
  13. Yeah it's really coming down now, with large flakes. Looks like an inch or so on the grass. It's even sticking on pavement now.
  14. Not sure what the problem was here. The 2hr period of 2+ mile vis snow prob didn't help. Some steadier snows have moved in, and for the first time the grass is starting to whiten. Going to make for a riveting time lapse lol.
  15. Nice. I must have jinxed us here, as I started taking a time lapse before it started lol.
  16. Not yet. You could tell it was on the verge of it 45mins ago or so while it was coming down nicely. Now we are prob at about 2 mile vis with pixies, grass just wet.
  17. Gonna have to revise the above to maybe a few tenths if we can get snow to fall after sundown. The ground is now all wet so it would take a decent period of +SN to get a dusting during the daylight. Barely snowing atm. On the plus side at least it snowed during the day while I was off work.
  18. Been snowing fairly nicely the past 25 mins, with decent flake size. However, despite the temp dropping a few degrees it's not sticking at all even on the grass. If it were January even at these temps we'd have a nice coating by now.
  19. Pixie dust has commenced, with a temp at 36. There have been several reports of 1/2 mile or less vis in snow in southern/southeast Iowa the past few hours, so it may rip for awhile. Looks like 1.5-2" on the grass on the way.
  20. Well I wasn't going to go there, but thanks for clarifying that lol.
  21. Looks like an inch on the grass type of an event tomorrow afternoon/evening. As expected the NAMs have slowly reduced QPF in the final hours leading up to the event per usual this season. An uptick in QPF on the guidance in the final 12hrs before the event would be more surprising than waking up tomorrow to see that covid 19 has vanished overnight across the globe.
  22. That combo is a ticking time bomb without the help of the virus.
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