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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Already 5-6" reports along the IA/MO border, with quite a ways to go. A couple of 7" reports in the Omaha area as well, with snow still adding up.
  2. Nice WAA look. Thundery showers feeding northeastward into the cold sector. free image hosting
  3. 22z RAP has bumped north a bit. Now has 0.5-0.6" for here/QC. Would love to see a last minute uptick to wipe away what happened most of the winter.
  4. That's like a zombie snowman lolz
  5. I'll go 4" here/DVN, and 5-5.5" for MLI. Pretty much right in line with their zone forecasts. Southern DVN cwa is gonna get smoked.
  6. I'll go 12-15" for the Centerville/Bloomfield area of Iowa. Those areas are already getting some snow this morning.
  7. Would love to see a bump north on models tomorrow. If we're gonna get one last snow, don't give me anymore of this 1-3" shit lol, let's go for the big dawg!
  8. 18z Euro did bump just a slight bit south. Looks like ground zero for heaviest could be around the Centerville/Ottumwa IA areas. LSRs could be pretty nice underneath the enhanced bands, and most of the snow will be falling at night as well. Wouldn't be surprised to see a footer down there.
  9. Looks like a repeat of early this morning for here. Looks like 1-3" type of event, with the heaviest snows setting up in the southern portion of the DVN cwa.
  10. 1.8" of snow here. Looks like January out there lol. The paved areas are just wet though. Shows how warm the ground is, as temps were well below freezing during the entire event.
  11. That Vince one literally makes me lol every time I see it.
  12. It's happening! (Sorry too lazy to go look up the gif)
  13. Had a few flurries earlier, snow squalls missed north/northeast today.
  14. Would be funny if this somehow gave us our only warning criteria snowfall of the winter, but def not gonna happen.
  15. Getting a nice mid-April snow squall atm. Yesterday's near 70 degree warmth now a distant memory.
  16. Picked up 0.41" of rain last evening. No thunder.
  17. Gave it a good run. MLI made it to 69, and we hit 67. Took advantage of it and got quite a bit done outside. Some decaying Iowa slopping seconds about to move in, along with the cold front.
  18. Looks like we have a shot at 70 today, with quite a bit of sunshine getting us off to a fast start this morning. HRRR has upper 60s, with dews near 60 later on. Could get a good storm with the passage of the front early this evening, and then cold and very windy tomorrow.
  19. Yeah spring fever is in full bloom after the 80 degree warmth recently. The chilly next several days is gonna be hard to take. Many tree species have started to leaf out some, and most people have mowed at least once. One positive is maybe the cold will knock back the first batch of gnats and mosquitoes, which have been surprisingly prolific and frisky the past week.
  20. Looks like fall streaks/virga underneath the tiny altocumulus patches. I'm guessing the right amount of moisture in that layer to produce that phenomenon.
  21. Pass. Unless it's going to be noteworthy (like today's squalls for example) then this is just a nuisance.
  22. Had a few very heavy showers of graupel around mid-afternoon. The shower that hit around 4pm was mostly snow, with a little graupel mixed in. That one was quite heavy as well, albeit brief. It's definitely been an entertaining afternoon, and a far cry from yesterday's upper 70s lol. MLI gusted to 58mph so far, hit 48mph on my home station, 5ft above the ground.
  23. Ma nature balancing things out a bit, as we had that 3.5" deluge a few weeks ago. We were split again by today's activity. Did manage to pick up 0.01" though. Temp has crashed from 75 back to 53, with very gusty north winds. MLI made it to 79.
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