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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Early planting is usually kind of a waste of time anyway. Nothing really takes off until we start getting the warm/humid nights consistently, which is usually June. Everything explodes in growth then, so if you planted something late it would usually catch up to whatever was planted early/successfully anyway.
  2. We have 99 confirmed at ours, with 2 deaths. That's with only 2 counties reporting, there's about 3 other counties with workers that haven't reported.
  3. If you wanted to see how Chicago/Milwaukee could get demolished by a 20-30" blizzard while areas 100 miles east or west get little to nothing this storm is your template. Kind of reminds me of the very thread-the-needle blizzard we got in Jan 1995. Very narrow area of well over a foot, while areas on either side got nothing. Was also a long lasting deform/trowel like this.
  4. This would have been a mammoth snowstorm for Chicago/Milwaukee if it had hit a month or more ago. A thread-the-needle monster for the ages.
  5. Pretty miserable day, with temps in the 40s most of the day and cold rain. Picked up 0.29".
  6. Had some nice downpours this evening, and a little thunder. Picked up 0.42".
  7. Yeah today would have been the day to do it. They plowed and planted the fields there, and across the street.
  8. Beautiful day today. Full sun, low humidity, and temps pushing 70. Grilled up some nice steaks, and had a few frosties after doing some yard work. Took care of the ol' backyard in a little over a minute.
  9. Finished with 0.44". Not all that far away at DVN they only picked up 0.05". Pretty steep gradient along the northwest fringe, like so many winter events.
  10. Miserable day to be sure lol. Been stuck in the 40s all day beneath a heavy overcast and steady light rain. Thought it would shut off mid-morning but it keeps hanging on. 0.41" so far.
  11. With some work you could clone those out in Photoshop/Lightroom if you shot in raw format.
  12. All I wanna know is if MLB is ever going to give money back to their fans for tickets already purchased? So far there have been no refunds for games that should have already been played. I guess the games are still technically postponed, which is ridiculous cause the games will not be made up, especially with fans in attendance. I have 3 tickets for Yankee game May 24 at Skankee Stadium. Was really looking forward to seeing a game there, even if it isn't the original house that Baby Ruth built. Anyway, what the MLB is pulling right now with their loyal fans in the midst of this financial crisis is enough for me to vow that I will never purchase one of their tickets ever again. I hope more do the same. **** them.
  13. Great shots! Made it to 66 here today. The lawn has really taken off lately. Dandelions are in full bloom across the landscape. Most trees have leafed out, but a few of the stubborn/late leafers are still holding out, waiting for May I guess. Farmers have been out in area fields quite a bit the past week or so. Should start to see corn sprouting in another week or so in certain fields.
  14. Damn. According to the Euro we are done with temps AOB freezing, assuming a real cold snap doesn't show up beyond 10 days. I think our average last freeze is around April 30th IRRC.
  15. Temp shot up 10 degrees in the past hour, from 66 to 76. Pretty impressive late day surge.
  16. Cloudy all day but we still made it into the 70s. Had a few brief showers this morning.
  17. Didn't take long for the fresh snow to vanish today. From winter wonderland to spring in less than 6hrs.
  18. DVN/MLI with 3.3"/4.6". A very nice event to finish out the season to be sure, but the saturating process definitely cut a good inch off the totals.
  19. Picked up 3.4". Trees are caked up nicely.
  20. Well after onset of precip is over 2hrs late and the HRRR is ratcheting down I definitely take notice lol. Hopefully the precip overperforms to make up for the late start.
  21. Looks like the HRRR dropped a tenth of QPF off for you as well, as compared to the earlier runs. Hope the bleeding stops soon. DVN sounding shows a fairly significant dry layer that is taking awhile to saturate. Snow onset is now over 2hrs late for MLI. So much for bucking the trend for the last event. I guess the Mon night event overachieved, but would have liked to see a more substantial event overachieve. Guess we'll have to hope next season isn't so wussy in that regard.
  22. New HRRR has dropped off 0.15" from earlier runs. Original 1-3" call likely would have been sufficient.
  23. Top-down saturation is taking longer than expected. Models have been showing precip beginning here by 10 or so. Looks like at least another hour wait. A little nervous about 4" call for here. Temp still 39.
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