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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. MLI dipped to 38 this morning. The last 30s until late September/October. Mid 70s starting tomorrow, and all 70s/80s beyond that.
  2. 33 here this AM, but warmed into the middle 60s this afternoon. The full sun and light winds made it feel like 75 compared to the recent cold spell.
  3. Despite covering the plants, both my brother and my dad lost 90% of their gardens to the hard freeze last week. The farm fields around have started to sprout corn despite the cold weather. The farmers have had ideal planting conditions this season. Corn should take off pretty nicely later this week when the near 80 degree warmth arrives.
  4. There's always the Flowbee.
  5. Frost advisory was a big bust as widespread cloud cover COC blocked the potential.
  6. Pretty crazy that 3 weeks from today will be June/met summer and we're still talking about snow.
  7. Low to mid 90s for central/southern MN on the Euro around day 10. Most of the sub only makes it to the low to mid 80s though.
  8. Another burst of wet snow mixed in at the tail-end of a shower that just passed through. You can see that just aloft the precip is all snow, so if a heavy enough burst lasted more than 5 minutes it would have been capable of shifting over to heavy snow at the surface. Unfortunately the showers are fairly small in nature.
  9. 81 now. We still haven't had an 80 here yet this year. MLI has only had 1, and that was back on Apr 7th.
  10. A heavy rain shower just passed through, and at the tail-end had wet snow flakes mixed in. Temp dropped from 46 to 43.
  11. Wind chills range from 24-27 over south-central/southeast WI early this afternoon. Brutal. It's 65 at Fairbanks AK right now. They're gonna make a run at 80 this afternoon.
  12. 43 degrees with 35mph winds at noon on May 10th. Still holding on to the chance for a little graupel later this afternoon if we can get under a heavy enough convective shower.
  13. Wouldn't be surprised to see graupel mix in here late tomorrow afternoon if the convective showers shown on the 3km NAM materialize. A little cape and low freezing heights. Prob no regular snow flakes though.
  14. Only 52 for a high today, but it seemed warmer with the sun out all day.
  15. Those bad boys are mean as hell. If you're gonna shoot their nest with a bee-bee gun, make sure you have a clean escape route, and fast transportation away from the area.
  16. We reached 99 degrees less than 6 weeks after our last snow flakes that season.
  17. Only made it to 48 today, with a steady light rain all day. Picked up 1.05" since last evening.
  18. The ol' sun angle might have something to say about that lol.
  19. Are we gonna have a homicidal wasp thread?
  20. Euro continues to advertise snow showers/flurries for northeast IL on Friday. Also much of MI. Wish we could get in on it. If it's gonna be so miserable outside might as well have something to show for it.
  21. Unless something changes on the models that will bust. Could spend most of the day in the mid 40s with cold rain falling. Maybe we can sneak in a 50 reading early in the day before the steadier rains move in.
  22. It's gonna be in the 40s all day Tue with rain. It might as well be snowing lol.
  23. 12z Euro shows some flurries around the Chicago area on Friday lol. Meanwhile, today is fantastic. Lots of sun after some morning clouds, and temps have jumped into the 70s.
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