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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Dew hit 80 here for the first time this year. Highest HI was 109.
  2. This morning's HRRR runs showed 90 for MLI, but they didn't make it. Made it only to 88 both there and here.
  3. Great evening to head out and shoot some pics of the comet. This was along the Mississippi River just north of Fulton IL earlier.
  4. Nice break in the summer weather up in northern Iowa. Mason City got all the way down to 44 early this morning.
  5. Wow, and Dekalb is still reporting heavy rain as of about 15mins ago from the pencil thin band of heavy rain. Yeah if this was a winter setup there would be a dramatic elevation in totals in that narrow band. The HRRR runs from this morning were indicating some strong winds this evening over northeast IL. Didn't come to pass, but there have been some feisty gusts within the little comma head of heavy precip heading towards Kankakee. Pontiac had 38mph gusts a while ago.
  6. Click image for full screen. Past 12hrs estimated precip. how to upload photos to the internet
  7. Looks like a small trowel-like feature, pretty cool. It's been nearly stationary for quite awhile stretching back this way. Still some off and on light rain here, and up to 1.20".
  8. Up to 1.07" now as it's winding down. SPC mesoanalysis shows PWs up near 2", which would explain the nice rates even under lighter radar returns.
  9. First day to not hit at least 80 degrees here and at MLI since June 23. Nice soaker this afternoon. Steady tropical rain with some very soaking downpours. Up to 0.84" with a good chance to top the 1" mark before it ends.
  10. Looked like today would be a 90+ slam dunk, as models had indicated for the past few days. Lots of clouds COC blocked the potential however. Only 85.
  11. Not in this sub, but some pretty incredible stuff from out at Death Valley California, at Furnace Creek. They haven't been below 100 degrees (on the hour) since early Saturday morning when it dipped to a frosty 93 degrees. Saturday night, and Sunday night both stayed above 100 degrees. Looks like they hit 127 yesterday. This is a NWS maintained sensor site btw. https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/timeseries.php?sid=DEVC1&num=72&banner=gmap&raw=0&w=325
  12. A DVN employee reported estimated 90mph winds a little north of the DVN site earlier.
  13. Looks like the 80mph winds at MLI took out the equipment. Hasn't been an ob since the storm hit.
  14. Top pic is of a storm blowing up earlier this afternoon along the stalled OFB. This is right after the storm split into two separate updrafts. Bottom pic of a rainbow behind departing severe line of storms, pointing in the same direction as top pic.
  15. The part of the line that flared up right before hitting here has continued to blossom as it pushes east, and even somewhat east-northeastward.
  16. Got some 55+mph gusts for sure with the first few minutes of the storm. Quality event to be sure. Hawkeye likely lost power. He for sure would have been on here by now telling the tale.
  17. LMAO! As soon as I posted the above the northern end flared up.
  18. That's some serious wind at MLI lol. Hearing of lots of power outages from peeps in the QC, which isn't too surprising. Looks like we'll just get grazed with a moderate thundershower here which is fine with me. Don't want no part of that 80mph crap lol.
  19. MLI managed an AOA 90 today. Currently at 91. Here on the other side of the remnant OFB it has warmed up quite a bit, but not as toasty as south of it. Currently 87/71.
  20. Great looking thunderhead boiling up in the southeastern sky. Watched the storm split, and now has two large updrafts. Crystal clear overhead so have an awesome look at it.
  21. Can see the stalled remnant outflow boundary just to my south with some agitated cu bubbling up. Looks as if it could pop into a storm in a short while. Was sort of fun watching that large updraft to the northwest this morning die away and leave a large orphan anvil canopy with mammatus. The left (southwest) side of the updraft looked very impressive for awhile when it was first visible on the northwestern horizon. Would have loved to get a time lapse of that evolution.
  22. Have a streak of 8 days AOA 90 here and MLI, but that ends today. Looks like no more 90s until Mon or Tue. Euro has backed off on the big heat for the DVN cwa compared to previous runs for next week.
  23. Another view of the tornado above from Scott Peake. Make sure to override the settings (that many times defaults to a lower res) and choose 4K quality. The final 20 seconds or so is truly remarkable. What this and other vids like it show is the extreme acceleration of wind at a given point as the vortex propagates through. The extraordinary violence of such acceleration of wind, combined with rapid changes in wind direction is what has to be one of the most damaging aspects of any tornado. It's not just peak wind speed and flying debris.
  24. Best rain in a month. Picked up 1.15" with some 30mph gusts and quite a bit of thunder. Classic summer non-severe thunderstorm. I'm pretty sure I heard the lawn singing a little while ago.
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