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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. If you have enough room plant an Autumn Blaze Maple back there. Fantastic tree, and extremely fast growing. Made it to 94 at MLI, and 93 here today. 25 days AOA 90 at MLI for the year, and 24 here.
  2. Man, we just can't buy a decent storm around here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In all seriousness was hoping we could get a decent rain out of this event. There is a cell heading this way, but the overall trend is naso good.
  3. This August mini-drought has been enough to decimate an aggressive onslaught of July crab grass in my yard, so I guess that's a plus lol. 0.72" for Aug here.
  4. Not bad. It's 150 mph right now, but wouldn't be surprised to see 160 mph upgrade post landfall to a cat 5.
  5. This video is pretty incredible. Might rank up there with the pine tree video. Near the end siding is ripping off the garage he's shooting the video out of.
  6. 94 here and MLI for a high today. All in all kind of disappointing heat wave considering how dry it is, and it seemed like the potential for upper 90s was there.
  7. Yep. The whole area was down a few degrees. Maybe the smoke was thicker today?
  8. I'll go Sabine Pass @165 mph. It is 2020 you know.
  9. Only 93 at MLI today, and 94 here. Expected higher. At least that lame 94 max for the season was replaced with that 96 yesterday.
  10. MLI made it to 96 today, and 95 here. Dewpoint hit 76 this afternoon here, and a peak heat index of 105. MLI had a dew of 75 earlier this afternoon. Hope we can mix dews down below 70 tomorrow.
  11. Little nub funnel that persisted for a few minutes a short while ago. Updraft had nice upward motion all the way up to the anvil.
  12. A little nub funnel developed and persisted for about 3-4 mins. Took a few crappy cell pics.
  13. Dews refused to mix out in this area today, but we still made the mid 90s. Hope for better mixing tomorrow to attain upper 90s. The slightly higher dews may have allowed this convection popping up nearly overhead to occur. Very nice updraft literally straight up overhead, with a nice base just to the south.
  14. Wish the NWS would make their sensor data live. I've been uploading nearly live weather data to the net for about 9 years, so it can't be that complicated for them to be able to do that. With today's technology these once per hour obs are a bit dated IMO.
  15. Dews continue to hold in the low to mid 70s around these parts, probably limiting heating a bit. MLI has languished the past few hours after attaining 93 at noon. It's hit 95 here so far, with dews bouncing between 73-75. Across the river at Clinton they have a dew of 76. Pretty impressive for late August with such dry surface conditions.
  16. 91/75 here atm. Dew is higher than I expected, but should mix out some during the afternoon. Got down to 67 early this morning, so it's warmed up quite quickly. MLI already at 93, so my call for 96 there for today may be a bit low.
  17. Hit 93 at MLI and 91 here today. EDIT: 20 days AOA 90 at MLI so far, and 19 here.
  18. I'll go under with a 96 for the new hottest temp of the season. NEST shows 94 and it's usually a few degrees too cool it seems. Although the 12z NEST had MLI at 89 at 19z which is spot on, while the 12z HRRR is already 3 degrees too warm.
  19. Nothing's gonna compare to the pine tree vid, but these two are pretty good.
  20. Looks like a good shot to break MLI's weak sauce 94 max for the summer with this wave. Euro shows 96-97 for a few days, so we'll see. Earlier in the summer it was underdoing temps by 3-5 degrees, but now I'm not so sure as I haven't been paying much attention to it. The surface is quite dry now, and corn crops are very quickly drying out as we head towards harvest season. I'll be optimistic and go with 98 for max for the week at MLI.
  21. Glad things are getting more back to normal there. Definitely a pain in the ass to be sure. Found the location the infamous falling pine tree derecho vid was shot at in Cedar Rapids. It's on Greenfield Street just west of C Ave. This looking back towards the house where vid was captured.
  22. DVN made a correction to their peak gust there at DVN, from 86 to 87 mph.
  23. I passed through Clinton Iowa/Fulton IL on Monday. Definitely not surprised to see that local area of higher wind estimate pop up as it was pretty bad. I also came across a huge grain silo a little west of Elvira that was caved in quite severely. It's right in line with that corridor of highest winds, although the NWS has 80+mph there. I'll see if I can get that pic on here. EDIT: Here it is..
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