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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Good chance we stay mostly precip-less till the end of the month. So basically we're gonna have barely any precip in August and September, but with a week mixed in there where we got about 7.5" of rain lol. Sort of a bizarre stretch of weather.
  2. A little disappointed we didn't go as low as I thought we could. Hit 38 here, and MLI/DVN both hit 41. Coldest temp of the new season though.
  3. No frost advisory here, but think there's a good shot for at least some scattered frost. We'll be on the west edge of the high pressure, and that's usually a great spot to be for maximum cooling as things go dead calm. NAM 3km has us hitting 34, which looks quite plausible. Like Hoosier mentioned, it sure is nice to see blue skies again with little to no smoke overhead.
  4. DVN torched today at 86, 85 at MLI, and 83 here. Looking forward to the 40 degree dews Fri and beyond.
  5. She sounds like she was in a glass case of emotions.
  6. Hopefully we can duplicate that precip max in about 3 months.
  7. Indeed, it's been great to see. Ended up with another 0.99" since last evening, pushing the event total (starting last Sunday morning) up to 7.54". DVN is going to end up pretty close to 8". Pretty productive setup to be sure. Looks like we may see our first peek of the sun in quite awhile later on this afternoon.
  8. Margin of victory with cutters always seems a bit iffy due to dry slot issues, positive-tilt warm-sector convection robbing the cold-sector precip, overaggressive WAA, etc. Hybrid clipper systems is where it's at.
  9. Heaviest rains shifted west towards Hawkeye today, so only 0.19" here, but enough to bring us to *gasp* 6.66" for Sep lol. Temp quite a bit warmer than the past 3 days, as we made it up to a balmy 64 degrees.
  10. Only 55 for a high today, which is the 3rd day in a row AOB 60 for a high temp. Picked up another 1.07" of cold rain, and counting. Now up to 6.44" for Sep. Should cross the 7" threshold with more rains coming tonight and tomorrow.
  11. 58 for the high today. Some spits of drizzle now and again.
  12. 4.98" for the month now, with a cluster of storms about to move in to push us up over the 5" mark. Almost 7 times what we got in all of Aug (0.72") in the first 8 days of Sep.
  13. Refreshing. Nice preview of fall. If it were to stay like this that'd be one thing, but we have a lot of warm days left before cold settles in for good. High here was 58 at midnight, 55 the highest during the day. Up to 1.92" since last eve.
  14. Pretty raw out there with the northeast winds, very heavy overcast, and cold rain. Temp is 54 with lots of slow rumbles overhead. Up to 1.70"
  15. Storms lining up to train over us for the next hour or so. Have picked up 1.46" since 11pm, and rising quickly. Already over 4" for Sep.
  16. ^ NIce pics Hawkeye, thanks for sharing!
  17. And we're off. Widespread elevated convection quickly taking off across the IA/MO border region. Kind of interesting vis sat loop this afternoon/eve watching the clouds quickly develop and become widespread, and then convection popping up as the sun angle got low. Looks like the potential for another good soaking tonight.
  18. New guy came in at 20z and was like nah, and hacked 100 miles of the north section off out your way.
  19. Despite being only 66 at 11am MLI made a good run at 90 today, but fell short at good ol' 89. Hit 85 here, but not till just after 6pm. Was still 68 at noon before the warm front blasted through.
  20. Definitely will see a nice recovery later today, but as many have mentioned the cap remains the biggest issue. A lot of the guidance is popping off convection by early eve, so I'm leaning towards there being at least scattered activity like Hoosier mentioned. The substantial plume of steep mid-level lapse rates is very nice to see.
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