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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Impressive temp (and dewpoint) contrast across Iowa this eve.
  2. MLI made it to 80 late this afternoon. Hit 77 here. Dews in the mid 60s is making it feel pretty muggy out there. Quite the change from the low 50s around midday.
  3. Cedar Rapids is dead center in the middle of the slight risk today. Cedar Rapids is killing it this year. Derecho, multiple early season snows, epicenter of potential severe today. If luck continues maybe you guys can breach the 1ft mark for a snowstorm this winter.
  4. Pretty entertaining evening with lots of lightning flashes, and slow-rolling thunder. Hasn't been too much rain yet (0.22") but chances for good downpours the rest of the night.
  5. Elevated showers/storms working in here. Could be some nice downpours this evening. Looking forward to the mid-upper 70s tomorrow.
  6. Day 3 marginal risk for areas that received significant snow yesterday. Temps/dews will be well into the 70s/60s. Quite the turnaround.
  7. Very impressive! Great start to the new season. Temps crashed from 41 to 33 here as the snow moved in. Had a brief period of moderate snow. No accum but very nice to see a daytime snow event in mid Oct. Had a burst of sleet with a convective shower at the tail-end.
  8. Pretty impressive stuff with that band out in central Iowa. Lightning icing on the cake. 41 here with some filtered sun. Ever so slight chance we could see some wet flakes if we can precipitate hard enough, but doesn't look very likely. First flakes may have to wait another week plus if it doesn't work out this afternoon.
  9. saw a few partially melted flakes mixed in with the larger rain drops earlier in Clinton. Think it stayed all rain at home where there was less bright-banding. Just light rain now @ 40 degrees.
  10. Can't wait to check back in on this site someday and see something other than the covid thread be the hottest topic. Combination of boring weather and that being the popular thing to talk about on what's supposed to be a weather enthusiast discussion site is very f'g depressing to say the least. Seeing that topic at the top of the list every time I check in is getting old, and kind of makes me not want to check in much anymore...
  11. Got colder than expected here this morning, as it got down to 33. Probably had frost in at least some patches. Looks like first freeze on the way for tonight.
  12. Feels like fall out there today with temps near 50 and spits of cold rain.
  13. First frost here this morning (patchy) at 34 degrees. Was in the low 40s till 3am due to lingering clouds, but plummeted after that.
  14. They should have painted triple phaser on there somewhere dammit.
  15. zzzzz. Pretty quiet start to the month. Hopefully something of interest later on in the month.
  16. Today's 0.40" brought us up to 8.08" for the month.
  17. Temp has dropped into the 50s after being in the low 70s earlier this afternoon. A chilly rain has begun. Looks like up to a half inch of rain to fall by later this evening. Great day for a crockpot full of chili to be slow cooking away.
  18. 79 here today, but MLI managed 82. Still quite nice out this eve with temps still in the 70s and gusty south winds to 25mph @ 10pm.
  19. Just a few days ago was the anniversary of the record earliest measureable snowfall for part of the sub, 1947.
  20. Color is starting to pop on some of the early turners around here, but still mostly green. This is by far the earliest I've ever seen harvesting of the corn crops. Hit 80 today here, with mid 80s tomorrow expected.
  21. Op Euro looks pretty chilly for later next week. Temps struggle to hit 50 in the northwest half of the sub, with maybe some snow showers up by Bo if the GFS is to be believed. Bring it.
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