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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. 2020 must be affecting the model sites as well lol. COD hasn't worked right the past few days, and WeatherBell has been running like shit lately too. Tropical Tidbits was ruined by their changes they made last year when they made everything slow to load. With Pivotal Weather still offering free Euro stuff I probably shouldn't be bothering with WXBell anymore anyway.
  2. Looks like a period of snow very early Tuesday morning here, before switching to cold rain. Wish the timing was different, as I likely won't see any of it fall. The rains that fall afterwards will be nice, as we can definitely use the moisture. Euro shows over an inch to fall.
  3. Hopefully we'll have a December to remember, and not a December to dismember.
  4. Good shot at 70 today. Fire danger is elevated for a good chunk of IL and western IN/eastern MO.
  5. Just to knock the corona thread off the top of the thread list for 2 minutes, here's a weather post. It's 32 out currently. Gonna be windy the next few days.
  6. 0.26" from the band of storms that rolled quickly through earlier this evening. Had a few nice rumbles of thunder. Nice for the newly planted trees (sugar maple, celebration maple, and northern red oak) to get a little drink. 50mph wind gust potential tomorrow.
  7. Now up to 6 confirmed tornadoes, all EF1. Four of them were within 15 miles of here in all different directions, another one about 25 miles away. Too close for comfort lol.
  8. DVN has confirmed two EF1 tors in Mercer county, just south of the QCA from yesterday.
  9. Today's 73 is a distant memory now as it's down to 35 with a wind chill of 26. Picked up 0.55" with the severe storm this afternoon.
  10. New record high at MLI today of 74, and now the 8th 70 degree day in a row. That record will be hard to top. They also gusted to 64mph earlier as well.
  11. Had 60+ mph winds at work with near zero visibility for a few minutes. We were under a tornado warning at the time. Guessing we had 60mph winds here at home as well. Definitely the 2nd best storm of the year.
  12. 75 here today, 76 at MLI. New record stretch of 70+ degree days in a row in Nov for MLI (7).
  13. 68 degrees at midnight on Nov 9th. Pretty impressive.
  14. 6th 70+ degree day in a row here. Another on the way for tomorrow. MLI hit 76 today. That latest 80 at MLI is Nov 1st, so they gave that record a good run.
  15. MLI hit 73 for the 3rd day in a row. 71/73/71 in that stretch. Very nice albeit boring weather.
  16. 73 at MLI today, 71 here. More of the same on the way.
  17. Very windy this morning, with gusts up to 40mph. Pretty much taking care of the remaining leaves on the late trees. Gonna gamble and plant a sugar maple out back. It says you're supposed to plant at least a month before the ground freezes, so I may have waited a bit too late.
  18. A lot of the area trees are past peak color now, but some of the late turners are still looking quite nice, like the hard maples etc. The Autumn Blaze out front is at peak now, and will probably be bare in a week or two.
  19. First measurable snow of the season early this morning with 0.3". Looks nice with the trees still holding on to some color. Chance for some cold rain Thu, but other than that it looks pretty quiet into next week.
  20. 0.15" overnight/this morning as the storms mostly crapped the bed before getting here, which the models had predicted. Back to reality today with the cold weather.
  21. Yeah it was a crazy change. Opened up the garage late this afternoon and everything fogged up instantly, as it was probably a good 15 degrees cooler in there, with mid 60 dewpoint air rushing in. Still 70/62 as we approach 11pm, with a ripping south breeze. Party's about over though, as the CF is already passing through Muscatine.
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