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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Hit 50 in MLI earlier this afternoon, 47 here. Light snow falling now and back down to 31.
  2. This evening's snows crap the bed right at the Mississippi River coming out of Iowa. Seasonal trends won't be denied lol. Cedar Rapids has a shot to break the 1ft mark for the season.
  3. I see your Clint Black and raise you Milli Vanilli. In all seriousness, the wide array of changes is going to make each model cycle exciting to watch come in over coming days.
  4. It's now been over a month (November 24th) since our heaviest snowfall so far (0.5"). Hopefully we can break the 1" threshold sometime in January.
  5. It made me want to run down the street yelling merry Christmas everyone like Jimmy Stewart.
  6. Had some mood flakes blowing around under the street lights a little while ago. Nice touch for xmas eve night.
  7. Because when things are this bad futility potential is the only glimmer of excitement lol.
  8. Noon yesterday at MLI was at 60 degrees. Today at noon it's 13 with a wind chill of -4.
  9. Hopefully we can get some kind of front-end action. Either way I hope we can get a little thunder at least.
  10. Coldest of the season this morning with 7 degrees. Lack of snow cover is allowing temps to get a little "warmer" than DVN anticipated yesterday, as MLI is already up to 14. Some pretty nice squalls passed through southeast IA into west-central IL south of the QC overnight. Shows up nicely on satellite this am.
  11. New Euro follows seasonal trends. Iowa/Minnesota cash in while IL/IN twiddles their thumbs awaiting the next system.
  12. The point has 13 for a high for MLI tomorrow, so with today's record high of 63 it may be 50 degrees lower on tomorrow's max if they can get to 13 by midnight this eve. Pretty impressive change in conditions.
  13. Estherville IA gusted to 71mph around 7pm. They're at 1/8 mile vis with full on ground blizzard right now, plus it's only 7 degrees.
  14. Would rather have the main storm of course, but I'd be fine with a decent front-end thump to get us our first incher of the season.
  15. New record high today at MLI of 63. Hit 61 here. MLI hit 52mph earlier today. Been very windy lately.
  16. Nice! Great timing to lay down some fresh powder right before xmas. Take lots of pics so we can live vicariously through your experience.
  17. This morning's Euro snowfall forecast through the end of the year nearly perfectly illustrates mostly what we've seen so far this season. Illinois dead zone. Definitely a very frustrating start to the season to be sure.
  18. MLI and DVN both had peak gusts of 47mph this afternoon, had 46mph here. Burlington hit 53mph.
  19. If it ain't gonna snow I'm ready to mow.
  20. It would be a bit depressing if we didn't have our period of flurries to look forward to Wednesday night.
  21. DVN issued a wind advisory for parts of their northern cwa, but they need to include much more of their area. Getting gusts over 40mph already here, and the windiest time frame is still a ways away.
  22. Had a period of virga overnight. Mid-upper 40s with a fresh 40mph westerly breeze coming later today. A nice November afternoon indeed.
  23. Trending more and more towards a period of flurries following the FROPA for this area. At least that would still be good enough to make it a top ten event for the season.
  24. Haha! Wait till Hawkeye and hlcater see this thread.
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