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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yeah it's a big change from a few days back when every little model run was scrutinized for any little possible change. Now it's kind of like now what? Just give us something to track, anything lol. These long stretches with nothing are mind numbing this time of year. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I don't remember there being so many long periods of absolutely nothing to track for weeks at a time back in the "old days". Prob should have put this in the complaint thread lol.
  2. I can't remember hoar frost maintaining this long around here. Some of it blew off, but I'd say 75% or so remains. Was up by Clinton earlier and it was even better than here. Looked like 1.5"+ growth up there vs around 1" here. Should have dug my camera out today and took pics.
  3. Looks like I woke up on Mt Washington this morning. Hoar frost of up to an inch grew on everything, even icicles.
  4. The admins need to add a "jealous" icon to choose from along with the weenie, like, etc lol.
  5. Looks like a snooze fest again through mid month. Looks like Jan may be like many of the past months where there's jack squat for weeks, but then a major event comes in at some point and gives a brief period of excitement. Clippers can be pretty boring, but I'd take a train of them just so we don't have to go through these long stretches of benign weather in the heart of the winter tracking season.
  6. There's a high likelihood of 6"+ snow in 12hrs or less in a portion of the ILX cwa. No advisories or anything other than dense fog advisory at present. EDIT: ILX did take the time to peck out a special weather statement though (after 3"+ has already fallen lol)
  7. Radar estimates over 0.3" of precip fell in the past hour around the Cisco area to the west of Monticello/Champaign. Likely 2-3" per hour rates there the past hour, and it continues.
  8. Chambana getting in on a little action this eve. CMI was down to 1/2 mile in moderate snow a short while ago. Should snow well there for another hour or two.
  9. Did a time lapse of the front tree changing colors through fall. Wanted the last shot to have snow on the ground, so I had to wait till this past event to get that last shot.
  10. Glad to see you guys over-perform down there. Here's to more of those in coming weeks.
  11. Yeah this glacier is def gonna have staying power. For snow with today's half inch we're at 6.8" for the season. If I counted sleet as snow like the NWS does we'd be at 8.6".
  12. This storm sure turned out to be disappointing. 2-3" of snow was looking like a slam dunk and came away with 0.5", 1/3" sleet, and 0.2" of ice glaze. The positive was that the glacier already in tact was fortified. I've definitely had my fill of sleet for the season lol.
  13. We actually flipped back to freezing rain and sleet the past half hour or so after about a half inch of snow. Must be some lingering warm pocket aloft back in this area, as DVN has been reporting the same.
  14. It's about 6" or so. Even before today you could walk over the snow and not break through the crust and sink, that's how hard the top layer is. I'd imagine it's even more impenetrable now with today's freezing rain and sleet. we picked up about 1/3" of sleet again this afternoon. Not far from 2" of sleet in the past week. Snowing pretty hard right now, looks like a good dusting so far. Nice band moving through.
  15. Pesky warm layer aloft continues to hold firm here. Still sleet, with some freezing rain as well. The 2-3" of snow is now looking like an inch or two if we can manage to change to snow in the next hour or two. EDIT: Finally starting to see some wet flakes mixing in now that it's getting dark lol.
  16. Driving sleet here. The glacier for the ages continues to strengthen.
  17. Sleet mixing back in for the first time since this morning. The transition to snow should happen within the hour hopefully.
  18. Still looks like a shot at 2-3" of snow here in the next few hours after we change back to snow. We were in a lull for quite awhile with drizzle, but precip has quickly filled back in and now it's raining again.
  19. Had about 15 minutes of light snow at onset around 9am. Quickly shifted to sleet and a little freezing rain, and after about an hour of that it became all freezing rain. In a lull right now with drizzle.
  20. You can go ahead and pencil me in for the 03z RAP.
  21. Nice little stat padding event here it looks like. Looking like 2-3" of snow after a mix of sleet/frz rain for several hours. Glazing shouldn't get too out of hand.
  22. Sort of teetering on the northwest edge of this one it looks like if trends continue. A complete whiff southeast is def possible. I'm good with it though if that happens, last night was enough to get me by for a little while lol.
  23. Total precip yesterday at MLI/DVN was 1.34"/1.42". Very solid event. With regards to Friday one thing to keep in mind is if snow falls on top of areas with a glazed over snowpack it will blow around very easily. Euro shows winds gusting to about 25 mph, in the deformation zone, and that would be enough to cause some decent blowing/drifting.
  24. Walking around on the snowpack here gives you the sense that it will have some pretty good staying power. Very dense with all the ice that fell on top of the snow. There's still ice on the trees as it didn't get above freezing here today.
  25. The thing about it was the rate at which it fell. I've experienced a 1" sleet storm before, but it took place over the course of many hours, not 30 or so minutes. It was just gushing kind of like a severe hail storm but with ice pellets. EDIT: DVN snow total 9.1". Sleet is incorporated into the snow total so I'm guessing a decent amount of that is sleet.
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