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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Still mostly rain with tiny wet flakes mixed in. No accums yet. Hope we can get under a good squall tomorrow.
  2. Getting some light rain here at 35 degrees.
  3. Gonna be interesting to see how things evolve later. Looks like precip explodes nearly overhead later this afternoon, so could see some decent rippage for a time. Most of the models want to quickly lift that north and then northwestward out of here leaving us mostly in the "eye" of the system for a good 36hrs. I think our best hope is if we can hang on to today's precip a little longer than the models currently show (except the Euro). The Euro would indicate the potential for some overachieving if we can stay in the zone of precip development longer before the eye of the system moves in. Still gonna go 1-2", but could end up higher if the Euro scenario plays out.
  4. I think Geos moved to Iowa and didn't mention it to us.
  5. Yeah the UK for example has danced back and forth west/east run to run. Gonna have to see how everything evolves tomorrow for sure. I guess by tomorrow I mean today now that it's shortly after midnight lol. It's a situation where it's way too early to celebrate if your favorite model shows you getting dumped on, but also too early to be in despair if your area looks like it may get screwed. This system is definitely interesting and exciting to track, but I'm def pining for a system that has a nice and wide swath of snow in spread-the-wealth style.
  6. Very nice. With as much as the precip areas keep dancing around from run to run makes me think many of us could be in for some surprises over the next 48hrs.
  7. DVN forecasting amounts under an inch for the southeast half or so of their cwa. I'm a little more optimistic that most areas will exceed an inch by later Friday. Just gonna ride the 1-2" call for here/QC. Will be nice to put a fresh coat overtop the older glacier.
  8. Made it to 39 today. Lost about an inch off the glacier, mostly due to settling. Down to 5" or so now.
  9. Looks like MSP should do well with this, perhaps 6"+.
  10. Gonna be interesting seeing the snowsqualls tomorrow moving northeastward. Kind of unusual around these parts. Looks like much of the DVN area could get caught in a mini-screw zone tomorrow with everything spinning around the area.
  11. Will be nice to see flakes flying again. Looks like on and off again light snow all day Fri with hopefully an inch or two. Better than nothing.
  12. Made it up to 35 today with full sun. The glacier laughed at it. Some icicles fell off the gutters on the house though.
  13. Looks like a long-duration light snow event from Thu night through Fri night for the western half of the sub, with 1-2" snow possible. A nice refresher for areas that already have snow on the ground. Normally not a big deal but with such long periods of benign weather this season it will stand out as a top 5 event for many of us.
  14. Made it above freezing (33) for the first time this month/year this afternoon, albeit briefly. Was nice to see the sun again. Looks like some light snow possible Friday.
  15. Just need to get the planes in a holding pattern over Chicago like in Diehard 2, and perhaps a top 3 event could result from it.
  16. We haven't had any real cold yet so you know it's coming for March and April lol.
  17. Definitely one of the longest cloudy stretches I can remember. We lost the fog/rime ice stuff the past few days, but the heavy overcast has remained.
  18. Still a good 6" of glacier here. Hasn't budged in over a week. Top 2" is almost entirely solid ice.
  19. Both the op Euro and parallel GFS show a system for the 17-18th period. Encouraging to see them in agreement in something around that time period. A glimmer of hope on the horizon?
  20. The 12z Euro had a nice clipper for northern WI/UP of MI late next week, and some snow showers and flurries for areas south of that.
  21. Another dense fog advisory tonight. The trees have been caked with rime/hoar frost for several days now. Lost some of it yesterday, but last night it came back in force with the dense fog. It didn't fall off at all today, and with more fog coming tonight it should only act to build it up even more. Pretty crazy stretch we got here.
  22. Lowest temp of the season so far here is only 5 above. No subzero temps in sight through mid month. Def saving money on the ol' heating bill this winter.
  23. I got an eye Dr. appt for 2/17, so this works out well.
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