Could be quite a few severe wind reports over here in the DVN cwa with this. Lots of wind right off the deck so wouldn't take much to get severe gusts. With so much shear and vorticity with this system wouldn't be surprised to see a few DVN one scan wonder spinups along the advancing squall line.
I'll never forget the day I came home from school and they had swapped over to the purple radar that had the loop and more reflectivity levels. Before that it was just the lowly 6 level stationary blue radar. Having a looping local radar pop up for u 6 times an hour felt like winning the lottery back then lol
MLI with only 0.1" today lol. Seasonal total up to 6.8".
Any snow that fell here today was gone by the time I got home. Guess I call it an inch but who knows lol. At work it barely stuck at all, as it was mostly a white rain with intermittent bursts of bigger flakes.
Models have bumped the main snow swath north in the DVN area for tonight/tomorrow. Looking more like a 1" type event for this area, and probably a DAB or DAB+ at MLI.
Cedar Rapids area looks to be the jackpot in the DVN area per usual.
We had teflon snow here today, non-stick. It didn't snow hard enough to overcome the wet/warm ground, so nothing measurable here, or at MLI and DVN.
MLI's seasonal snowfall will remain at 6.7".
Final rain total here of 1.12"
0.30" so far here, as the rain has been pretty light and showery.
Looking like a good shot at an inch of wet slop tomorrow afternoon to go along with the 50mph winds.
Two worthless DAB+ events this week will chip into the 3.1" buffer at MLI's futility chase. Kind of a shame but not surprising. Hopefully they both underperform like all other systems have this season. Biggest threat is Thu night/Fri, when 1.5-2" looks possible.
Not in our sub, but pretty impressive conditions down in western TX/southeast NM. Temps near 80, with dews in the -10s producing humidity values of 2% in several locations. Also 60-70mph winds whipping up a nice dust storm.
Almost identical actually( MLI & DVN), both are 22 miles away as the crow flies. Temp wise this area is more similar to MLI as both here and at MLI are in the Rock River valley.
The late afternoon sky had a brownish haze from all the lofted dirt from the high winds out west. Had a nice period of 50-55mph winds around these parts as well.
Surprised to see a few trees species have swollen buds from the past few days of 50s and 60s. Guess the sap must already be flowing upward despite the bitter cold last week.
Likely overdoing everything per usual. Cut the excitement by about 30-50% and there's the final solution if seasonal trends persist.
Early guess for here is a nice soaker followed by a few wet flakes.