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Posts posted by paweather

  1. FirstHand Weather:

    Good gosh, 12z GFS. As mentioned in other posts, the upcoming pattern on and around Christmas will support low pressure development along the Gulf and/or the Southeast coast, then driving up the eastern seaboard.
    But model guidance will likely be all over the place over the next few days on who gets wintry precip around Christmas. Nonetheless, it’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited about an upcoming pattern in December
  2. 5 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    because it is norther stream energy dropping SE and pops a secondary below us.  Look at 540 and you'll see that antecedent cold is deep enough and stays below us, and keep our precious column cold enough.  Next panel has far SE taintin to rain for a wee bit after most precip falls as snow. 

    Mind you thats a verbatim analysis of 1 model run thats a week out, but since its a week....and a big week....worthy of mention. 

    Definitely worthy of a mention!

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