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Everything posted by paweather

  1. That's insane! If this pattern was a couple of months ago maybe even a month ago...my goodness.
  2. I told you Blizz, I wasn't giving up to see snow in May! :-)))
  3. As I kept saying about 2020 I am holding out hope for May Snow! :-) Thanks Mag for the update.
  4. Exactly, and they are now counting "Probable" Cases. We might as well call us Philadelphia and change my city name at this point.
  5. With the way 2020 has gone the possibilities of May snow higher than normal. and I don't really care about the sun angles. But I will say I am also ready for warmer outside weather no doubt about that.
  6. Exactly Blizz! I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Geez. I'm still holding out for May snow!
  7. Thanks for the pics! Have fun and enjoy it.
  8. It certainly is, and like others say we can discuss the virus in respect of everyone's opinion I have no problem with that, I love this forum great info and people on it. But your right it is a crazy 2020 let's fast forward to December 2020 unless we will get a Halloween Snowstorm again! And I'm still holding out for May Snow! :-)))) Your point is well taken about everyone needs to make their own decisions we did before and we should now. There is going to be a huge rally on Monday in Harrisburg, I hope it doesn't get ugly and it shouldn't but we need to get people back to work that is my opinion. I'm a leader Healthcare IT consulting and our market is devastated right now. Hospitals are laying off because of no elective surgeries and ER's half full based on the state you live in. It is so sad that is even happening. I know some Physician Assistances who got laid off or reduced hours. Craziness, we can't live in fear forever and if anyone is scared to go out then stay home. Practice Social Distancing if your out and the right behavior. The best thing this has done for me is watching my Cowboys win the Super Bowl but that was in the 90's :-(((((
  9. Heaviest Snow Shower of the season with the sun out. OMG 2020 what have you become?
  10. LOL 10 minutes max so light but it was SNOW! :-) Sorry didn't mean to rub it in, I would have thrown you some if I could.
  11. Your good, I feel like I have known you for years now! The Marcus forum to this forum. We certainly can agree to disagree, I'm fine with that and respect everyone's different opinions. But you talk about the press conferences look at the Media basis all they want to do is slam Trump instead of focusing on the Virus, they are more concerned about this year's election than anything else. Most of their questions are a complete joke. Trump does have an arrogance and chip on his shoulder but I like that in a President. He is not your standard Presidential person, he says what he feels and means. That is what got him voted in a President and why he won Pennsylvania in 2016 first time in a long time. The media is such so bias, just like the democrats who will not vote on the additional policy to add to the small business funding, which I am small business so it is important to me. Again, no harm to you and your opinions total respect for sure and I saw snow today for 10 minutes so that is a positive like I said! :-)))
  12. Well on a positive side it is snowing here! :-)
  13. I love this forum and everyone here when we are talking about the weather. But we cannot stay closed months, if we do it will lead into a depression none of us want to see in our history. Change your behavioral when you out and about, and if your scared to go out stay at home. This is a political mess right now you saw what happened in Michigan yesterday same is already scheduled for April 20th or some date in April here I believe per a report. And I respect everyone's view and opinion on this everyone has the right to make their decision on what to do not the government or we might as well live in a communist state.
  14. Glad you got some white stuff! Me either on Wolf what a clown. The states can't stay closed forever we need to reopen as quickly as we can and just behave differently. Can you imagine if we go months without reopening what a great depression this would lead to. Time to just change your behavior when your out and about. Wolf has no stinking clue whatsoever.
  15. And always look out to the 384hr, GFS for hope of SNOW!
  16. LOLLLLL, EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!! Blizz will bring us some this week, I feel it.
  17. Yes welcome, great people on here. You will learn a lot and much about our passion for snow!
  18. Yep. Just saw that. Going to be an interesting afternoon.
  19. When Fauci talks about models all I think about is weather models. just some light hearted humor at this time but I do.
  20. LOL...Love JB listened to him on my local AM station back as a kid. He mentioned me in one of his segments. Loved it!
  21. This is my one reply to this virus, hope we can track some snow soon, but Governor seriously allowing trout season to start when we are in a Stay at home order? People are getting citations because they are driving around. This is exactly why everyone is confused with this order. Ridiculous. I have many fishermen friends and I don't like it but to open Trout up and get on TV telling everyone to stay at home outside of the essentials, seriously, fishing is not essential. Now back to the weather, it is the only weather we got. - Credit to JB.
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