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Everything posted by paweather

  1. Interesting it is tropicaltidbits.com right? That is what I have been using for years. It comes up with an error maybe I'll try a different browser.
  2. What happened to Tropical Tidbits website? Are they done?
  3. Have a great summer everyone! Hope to be back in September when my "Hope for Snow" Campaign starts that month. My Snow Campaign Advisor told me it would be a good idea to start it in September. Great forum, great people.
  4. Snow squalls lighting up. Might get another dusting.
  5. LOL! Sorry I don’t know why it posted 3 pics.
  6. True photo this time and I always said I was holding out for snow in May:
  7. I guess I failed :-( for our region. I held out hope, can a squall come tomorrow?
  8. Palmyra (Lebanon County). LOLLL Sorry, just investing some humor in the day. If I would show you a true picture it is awful wet not white outside my window.
  9. Insane! I'll take one of these tomorrow. :-)
  10. We stayed at that same hotel for a Phillies Pirates game. Took the boat across the river to the stadium.
  11. WOW. Awesome memories for sure meaning the snow and cold. Sorry your O's loss.
  12. Exactly I watched the 2008 WS the other night. My Cowboys even won the Super Bowl too! OH......that was in 1990's :-( but it is fun to watch these games.
  13. But the order we are on, it doesn't follow our constitution and bill of rights so I am not sure what to say about law suits, I wish I was a lawyer because quite honestly there will be so many law suits within state governments, already happening today, and more and more. Lawyers will end up making more then Professional Athletes because of this Virus. You have counties DA right now saying they will not prosecute any business from opening up. This is a complete mess and unfortunately (not to play politics here) but Wolf created it. Now back to the weather it is the only weather we got, roads starting to cave now.
  14. Not quite yet probably soon when the sun angle is starting to go down.
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