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Posts posted by paweather

  1. 13 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    IMO the Monday storm could be the best one to hang your snow hats on....

    At least is a miller A coming from the south and staying under us.  Best upside chance at big fun me thinks.

    After that NAO heads for neutral, and no other overwhelming signs to offset persistence of the season.  

    GFS still way south of Euro, so a consensus blend still give this one a chance.


    I'm hanging my snow hat on next winter. LOL

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    I've been blowing the trough axis horn for a while now, as thats been my worry.  While we have the NAO helping, the persistent ridging out in front of the events is still hurting our chances.  Yes, the boundary layer has dropped notably closer, but its still not enough for many in our group.  That's all I've been trying to say.  Northern crew should do ok/well.  Yay for them.  

    IMO thermal profiles while better, are still marginal (looking at 850's/2m temps) and knowing that its almost mid march.  I'm just tempering expectations through this period. 

    Of course the snowhound in me wants this to happen, but the realist has hold of the leash.

    I think the writing is on the wall the rest of March. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    When the GFS makes it inevitable tick north, it'll be the ultimate kick in the kahoonas for Friday.  At least it was "closer to something" :lol:

    For the sun/monday deal, its already slipping away for some/many.  Not sure where it ends up, but at least its something to track??

    Im trying to put a + spin on reality.

    Models teased us as usual or at least for me. I doubt we get anything other than a few mood flakes. 

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