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Everything posted by paweather

  1. Per EC 0z 2M temps below 32 and in the mid 20's through 18z Sunday (1pm) lots of ice for us. back to snow.
  2. yep. You got it. Good luck things are falling into place. Your in a good location. 12" plus. < less than 12 to 8" no rainstorm that is for sure for us here.
  3. Williamsport, dude. get your shovel ready. This is going to be one of a historic storm. I still think it will come in colder for LSV lots of cold air. Lots of sleet/FR rain. Pretty much we get a great thump to start. 8-12" LSV is my call. and yes, Horst I know you can prove me wrong but model trends are trends. See you tomorrow folks.
  4. and it doesn't transfer it just heads east. This is what you want up in NYC. That is why you see the snow totals.
  5. OK Here we go EURO. I will try to maneuver through the other forums.
  6. LOL. haven't seen his name in a long time. I don't know what to think.
  7. Thank you. it is a low moving east based on the boundary. We all need that boundary to setup to the south. All you need to do when a model runs is look at Canada.
  8. I really think we need a new thread for this weekend. 1-3" tomorrow night and Friday and then our weekend storm.
  9. yes you are correct there is no miller B at all. There is no secondary. Good work. It is a matter of if the HP is strong enough to suppress it to our south. UKMET shows that.
  10. Gosh these other sub forums LOL. Primary to Pittsburgh? I love it.
  11. Well I was sucked in, didn't think I would stay up for the EURO. Anyone here have PBP and again thank you DAXX for last night being on vacation. If not I will go to NYC forum who is still talking about Hurricane Sandy :-)
  12. 16 degrees in in Harrisburg as the high Monday. Come on Artic press down prior a bit don't let the southern stream take everything.
  13. You and bubbler have called it phased versus a low riding the underneath and to the south of PA. This is quite interesting. Model camps are all over place. Forget the NAM right now. Last night's 0z GFS told me that the HP in Canada will be strong and that is the key IMO. Great guys. Plenty on the table. More importantly snow will be flying tomorrow night and then again on Saturday just how long Saturday for us in LSV. Good trends again.
  14. Sure. I feel like this is still a good first part thump, ice/rain/ then backend snow that will be in 8-12" range. OK sissy not staying up for you, be good to your brother.
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