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Posts posted by paweather

  1. 39 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    Not sure how anyone could get 6-8 from a fropa. There is a secondary pop and that’s what bumps up totals for the east (including me as I’m now at 4-6”). It’s why these deals never get me giddy. Will be happy with whatever comes though. I’m still close to the fail line for that too. 

    yep. that is why I am so skeptical of a frontal passage snow. There never seems to be a secondary on them or close to being a producer. Not snowing here now, have a trace of snow. Welcome Bitter air for a couple of days. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, Blizzard of 93 said:

    Good agreement between the 12z GFS & Canadian for our Tuesday snow this week.

    The next frame on the Canadian wasn’t available, hence the difference in end time on the 2 maps, but the precip was through in CTP with both posted maps.

    I would take 4 inches of snow followed by a few days of frigid temps to preserve it !



    Bring it Blizz. Need winter to come back and stay for Feb. it would be nice to starting getting a cold active pattern again. Some southern stream love. 

  3. 3 hours ago, pasnownut said:

    7 in Akron.  No snow cover and wind likely kept radiational cooling from really taking it lower.

    No snow... I dont need it that cold.

    At least the ground will be a rock when the rain comes on Wednesday.  I should go out and cut my lawn lower, so I can ice skate on it Thursday (yes I know there is a chance at backend snow, but I'm not big on anafrontal snows.  Sure hope I'm wrong, but that follow up wave seems to go wide right.    

    yeah heading back into more of a boring look this week.

  4. 25 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    We just started snowing pixie dust here.  All good bud.  You know I'm down w/ every flake i can get, but track now into Pa says were cooked.  When it was under us, I was all in.  

    No biggie.  I'm really excited for what we have coming up w/ LR guidance, and think that we can/will score.  Like I just said in the MA forum, I'll clip my way to climo and be just fine w/ it.

    Now lets watch it snow.  I gotta go crack another Cold Snap.  Damn thats good beer.

    That’s perfect! Good stuff Nut. 

  5. Just now, pasnownut said:

    I guess i should have clarified by stating it was the farthest NW w/ LP.  


    at least when it shows us a MECS in the next few days, we might really be able to get excited.  Still think once we get through this week and get midweek deal outta the way, we should be headed to a more stable and slightly more predictable pattern for our area.  

    in the meantime, good luck N and NE crew.  Send pics.

    Just let it play out and yes good luck to the north. We have at least another 2-3 hours of snow or more. Love this forum. But many just give up before it ends. :) 

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