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Everything posted by paweather

  1. Road Trip to New Hampshire on the 12z NAM.
  2. Love it. Next winter cannot get any worse than this one, or can it?
  3. Your good, I’m just looking for snow to fall it won’t accumulate here but heck if it snows in May what does that mean for June? April showers bring May flowers so what does June mean!? LOL
  4. We got a shot at least seeing some snow falling.
  5. Happy Hour runs will safe us! If not the beer will do its course.
  6. GFS brings in a good soaker, I need to wait for the Happy Hour runs I guess.
  7. RGEM is coming in now.....stay tuned. :-)
  8. As long as I see a snowflake here or there, Friday night or Saturday I'll be happy!
  9. Well didn't get NAM'd today but let's start with the excuses. This is only one model run, I'll wait for the GFS and EURO, then I'll wait for the Happy Hour runs where I am sure to get NAM'd, if not then 0z will be good hit.....etc. LOL.
  10. Oh Geez. Thanks. Dang Daylight Savings time.
  11. 39hr again pretty much the same here with the NAM 10pm Snow. It has been showing that pretty consistent for this area. Exactly but as long as I see some fall, I don't care.
  12. Yeah, SW PA to the Center part at 36 looks good.
  13. I'm watching the NAM come in like it is January/Feb/March
  14. I will not take credit but I need to look back to when I said I was holding out for May snow! and I don’t care but it would be an awesome thing to see, why not.
  15. I know can’t wait to potentially see more history made with Snow in May. Thanks Bubbler
  16. I am feeling I'll be in the bullseye at 18z. Happy Hour run.
  17. Of course! That is a good reason to throw it out and it shows no snow for me. :-( LOL.
  18. EXACTLY! Geez, I am looking at weather models in May and hoping.
  19. LOL. After I posted that, I was like well who will be the first to make a comment about that! My wife posted it!
  20. Love it you may get it too especially where you are. 10pm Friday night for my area, I don't even care if it doesn't accum, I just want to see it snow. Maybe we will be tracking snow in June!? LOL.
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