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Everything posted by paweather

  1. Yep. Exactly it is nice to look out the window to see white instead of mud.
  2. On another winter note this is the longest time this winter season we kept our snowfall depth like we are today for LSV. it just makes me feel better.
  3. yep. There is still time for sure. Just a matter of when are there possibilities.
  4. The reality may be setting in that this past Sunday was our last snow of the season.
  5. Uneventful week coming up cold and dry. Let's hope next week turns into an active one. No breaks this time of year since are in March. :-) and I want to make it to 2000 posts before I hibernate.
  6. This storm is going to close off with a blast. Dang progression but great for March.
  7. The radar looks so progressive. Will the costal take over to add to results?
  8. The R/S was modeled at the mason Dixon line for days. It can be wrong but I hope not.
  9. Many more hours to go and not overnight to I can enjoy seeing it fall. all good. Good luck man.
  10. Radar looks great. Progressive a bit. But the coastal will help a bit.
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