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Everything posted by paweather

  1. With all due respect on this reply to you, I have been in the Healthcare consulting business for over 20 years in which I carry many Healthcare relationships not just in PA but all over the country. So, yes this is fact not fake news that hospitals even in PA are carrying low volume of patients especially on the ER side and elective surgeries where that is part of their revenue gain. This is why UPMC made the decision before Wolf did to go forward with elective surgeries starting Monday. And, yes hospitals are laying off and/or furloughing employees because of the loss revenue and volume. We aren't in 1918 we are in 2020. 1918 was a different decade many, many decades ago and healthcare wasn't in the same position then as now. Please don't even compare it to this. If you are afraid to go out, stay sheltered that's perfectly fine. What will happen if we stay shutdown there likely will be more addiction, suicides, and other deaths that will be higher than our death toll in PA right now. Everybody has their own opinion I will respect that but you cannot keep this economy down forever due to fear. Thanks and I do not mean any disrespect at all. And I should ask do you really believe the numbers that we are given every day which now includes "probable" cases of COVID?
  2. It is like a conveyor belt right now. WOW. It extends all the down to NC.
  3. Yep. No doubt. Heavier rain here right now.
  4. I'm with you on no one wants to talk to you right now, being in the Healthcare IT Consulting business where sales matter our market was so competitive and striving 2 months ago now is pretty much at a stand still. I feel guilty even having my sales team prospecting the client base hospitals so we balance it out right now. But you see ER's all over the place empty and hospitals laying off because of so low of volume it is disheartening for sure. Hope soon, we need to open and let the economy come back that is a for sure.
  5. We finally started to rain. What an interesting look to the radar.
  6. Exactly! It is right to my west literally just miles away.
  7. I love it, for once I am excited for a rain storm to get the mind off of everything else. :-) And in addition not being able to track much snow this year.
  8. Yep right to the west of us Harrisburg is rain and we are nothing right now. Crazy!
  9. Any feedback on how anyone thinks the flooding will be around the area. Severe? Creeks and streams for sure I suspect.
  10. That's insane! If this pattern was a couple of months ago maybe even a month ago...my goodness.
  11. I told you Blizz, I wasn't giving up to see snow in May! :-)))
  12. As I kept saying about 2020 I am holding out hope for May Snow! :-) Thanks Mag for the update.
  13. Exactly, and they are now counting "Probable" Cases. We might as well call us Philadelphia and change my city name at this point.
  14. With the way 2020 has gone the possibilities of May snow higher than normal. and I don't really care about the sun angles. But I will say I am also ready for warmer outside weather no doubt about that.
  15. Exactly Blizz! I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Geez. I'm still holding out for May snow!
  16. Thanks for the pics! Have fun and enjoy it.
  17. It certainly is, and like others say we can discuss the virus in respect of everyone's opinion I have no problem with that, I love this forum great info and people on it. But your right it is a crazy 2020 let's fast forward to December 2020 unless we will get a Halloween Snowstorm again! And I'm still holding out for May Snow! :-)))) Your point is well taken about everyone needs to make their own decisions we did before and we should now. There is going to be a huge rally on Monday in Harrisburg, I hope it doesn't get ugly and it shouldn't but we need to get people back to work that is my opinion. I'm a leader Healthcare IT consulting and our market is devastated right now. Hospitals are laying off because of no elective surgeries and ER's half full based on the state you live in. It is so sad that is even happening. I know some Physician Assistances who got laid off or reduced hours. Craziness, we can't live in fear forever and if anyone is scared to go out then stay home. Practice Social Distancing if your out and the right behavior. The best thing this has done for me is watching my Cowboys win the Super Bowl but that was in the 90's :-(((((
  18. Heaviest Snow Shower of the season with the sun out. OMG 2020 what have you become?
  19. LOL 10 minutes max so light but it was SNOW! :-) Sorry didn't mean to rub it in, I would have thrown you some if I could.
  20. Your good, I feel like I have known you for years now! The Marcus forum to this forum. We certainly can agree to disagree, I'm fine with that and respect everyone's different opinions. But you talk about the press conferences look at the Media basis all they want to do is slam Trump instead of focusing on the Virus, they are more concerned about this year's election than anything else. Most of their questions are a complete joke. Trump does have an arrogance and chip on his shoulder but I like that in a President. He is not your standard Presidential person, he says what he feels and means. That is what got him voted in a President and why he won Pennsylvania in 2016 first time in a long time. The media is such so bias, just like the democrats who will not vote on the additional policy to add to the small business funding, which I am small business so it is important to me. Again, no harm to you and your opinions total respect for sure and I saw snow today for 10 minutes so that is a positive like I said! :-)))
  21. Well on a positive side it is snowing here! :-)
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