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Posts posted by paweather

  1. 6 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    yeah when its snowing in atlanta and the storm is just starting in your area.....buckle up buttercup.  That was from a dynamics perspective, the most impressive....but as we all know about snow hounds....its all about the MBY totals... and when i get long duration events, I smile no matter what the tally is.  Just love flakes flying.  

    Oh....and thanks for the mid afternoon derail.  I've enjoyed it and am 1 step closer to wishing this dreaded hot ass mess of a summer/year away.  

    You and me both. I'll enjoy the cooler wave coming in soon for a while that is a for sure. 

  2. 1 minute ago, pasnownut said:

    If memory serves, western york up to lebanon and points NW never tained in 93', (or much less i should say), as is often the case down here in the LSV warm spot.


    Yep what I loved about 93 is we did flip to ice/sleet for a period of time and then went back over to snow. The dynamics were just incredible and again what I loved was Atlanta and points south were in on it as well. 

  3. Just now, Bubbler86 said:

    Another related issue is Pro Sports.  NBA and NHL are basically throwing away the first 1/3 of their next season to finish the last one.   And this is assuming we do not have a dramatic increase in Covid issues as it gets cooler.  Owners, who are rich enough so no one should feel bad for them, are losing mega amounts of money.  This year is changing everything going forward even if just to have better backup plans in place.

    Yes that is the positive no doubt that will allow change to happen when things like this in the future occur maybe not my future but my kids. Agree 100%. And everything in sports will have an asterisk to it that it is unfortunate. But for the sports world and fans at least they are seeing something other than Korean Baseball or Cornhole Championships on ESPN. :D 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    That's what Micah Parsons said almost word for word...

    Yeah whether you agree or not about canceling in the fall to try and play in the spring these NFL talented players would definitely not do it. Now you have the SEC and ACC medical experts saying it is safe to play in the fall so they may play yet. I am so disappointed not to see Parsons play again for PSU! But I respect and fully understand his decision. I would do the same. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, canderson said:

    I don’t see any school president wanting to expose the university to a lawsuit when a player suffers serious medical issues. I think it’s all a legality issue. 

    You are correct on the lawsuits no doubt. I think it is sad that the whole NCAA is not on the same page in these conferences. As with this Virus and what we saw with everything else every medical experts have their opinion with it. They are putting the players and coaching in the middle of it. And to play in the spring now? If I am a top NFL draft pick why would I play. I wouldn't. Just another sad 2020. 

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