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Posts posted by paweather

  1. 18 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    @Bubbler86 interesting points. But I know when most of us in the Mid forum post about anything day 7+ it’s meant as an analytical discussion of pattern possibilities not a forecast. I don’t think issuing a forecast for specific weather past day 7, even day 6-7 is a stretch honestly, is a good idea.  I know some people take that probability and pattern recognition analysis and run with it as a forecast but whatever.  Furthermore, the reason we do that is usually because there isn’t much going on in the day 1-6 range. Especially lately. You can always tell we’re having our typical crap years when the majority of posts are analyzing day 14 ensemble trends and MJO plots. I would much rather be analyzing vorticity, moisture convergence, and VVs to try to predict meso scale banding features that picking apart day 10-15 ensemble progs. Unfortunately there haven’t been a while lot of legit threats to make it into range to do that recently so reading the super long range tea leaves is all we have.  Last year I said I thought winter was going to be a total dud in late December and made a long analytical post explaining why. But I said I would continue to track just in case either I was wrong or we lucked into a fluke somewhere. But a post on some possible glimmer of “hope” at day 10-15 should not be confused as a prediction for a snowstorm!  

    Good to see you on here! 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    You look at this map and you might say "eh...what's so great about that?" (particularly for our area)

    1. Our forecast was for 1-3". I had 16". That's a pretty colossal bust in a good way, which is rare.

    2. Sustained winds even in our area were stronger than ANY storm that I've experienced, including the Superstorm.


    Like Nut said, we all have elements that are important to us. For some, it's all about the final total. I completely get that. For me, I like to see blinding snow being whipped sideways by 40+ mph winds. This storm had that. We had a drift in our driveway that exceeded 9' in depth. 


    Blizzard of 1978 snow totals.png

    Yeah I like the elements along with the large totals. Look at that cut line though. WOW as Bubbler pointed out he got fringed. 

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