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Everything posted by paweather

  1. As Mag wanted the first one is south of us @ 90.
  2. LOL...I know social media so called weather sites are all over today with the propaganda about this event already.
  3. The real sadness are the employees at these restaurants that a couple of weeks before Christmas many don't have a job and these restaurants were given no time to prepare for this, buying food to cook for the weekend and next week. This Governor?. You can certainly go to a grocery store for an hour not social distancing but cannot sit a table at a restaurant, I guess COVID knows where and when to attack. Anyways back to the weather. My one non weather post cannot wait for 0z!
  4. I agree, I was looking at that earlier seems to go far enough south for a non event but there is still time.
  5. Not the best Happy Hour run but the signal is still there, low is just a weaker sheer look to me. Still gets snow into C/S PA but nothing like 12z.
  6. Yeah I miss those guys. Actually today in viewing it, no bad at all. Some really good maps that I cannot get access to are being posted and the EPS came in per MA very good as well on this run.
  7. Yep. Agreed. I am just glad we will have something to track over the weekend....HOPEFULLY! that it doesn't disappear tomorrow. Happy hour runs coming up and I'll buy today.
  8. One more from the EURO and I promise, well, maybe no more for a while. :-)
  9. Looks like a hit. (I stole this from MA) I don't know where to get these types of EURO maps.
  10. LOL. Yeah I'm over there as well just for the EURO run.
  11. And of course the Canadian 12z is out to sea after it was a great run yesterday. Welcome to another Winter full of model runs.
  12. Thanks for the visual of it. And your right only one of many to come.
  13. Makes sense. Instead of a more northern transfer look. It transfer early and looks more like a Miller A.
  14. Yep, let's hope this trends good on the EURO. Where do you find good EURO maps? I use Pivot weather but would prefer something like the GFS type maps.
  15. 6z GFS WOW a bit more inland, Congrats C Pa - Not here. But lots of tracking for sure over the next 5 days.
  16. And then you have the GFS that is slower and warmer. But plenty of time left only 100 more model runs.
  17. Your not kidding! This is the second low after we get nailed from the first one:
  18. Yes welcome back! It was great to see wintry precip this morning!
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