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Posts posted by paweather

  1. 5 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    GFS Op is notably deeper wrt trough/thickness's here in the east, as the Ens guidance still has it, just less pronounced.  Regardless...yeah colder times from Turk day and beyond for a decent stretch.  Wouldnt rule out normal snow shower spots getting some chances of flakeage, and if that weekend energy can hold together a little better than most have done this year, then theres a window of opp as well.  

    Here you go:


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  2. 2 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    Since we are clarifying, I'm assumed your idea of FUN is colder and seeing blue popping up on maps.  Not necessarily shoveling snow outta ones driveway. 

    Thats how I took it anyway.    

    You got it, I was more planting the seeds but if we blossom right away I would take that as well. LOL. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Bubbler86 said:

    Not a forecast from me, just what he said. 

    In a pattern like this, there is essentially a "nil" chance of any early-season snow for at least the next two weeks. During an El Niño, there is often a "split flow" Jet Stream pattern. Storm systems associated with the southern branch of the jet track across the southern tier of the nation, while those associated with the northern branch trek across southern Canada or northern New England. In between, there is often a lack of precipitation and milder air (relative to average). This is why there can be long stretches of quiet weather during an El Niño winter. However, major Nor'easters often form and dump crippling amounts of snow in the mid-Atlantic and I-95 corridor when the two branches of the Jet Stream "phease," or join forces. After a quiet start, I suspect that this happens at least once between mid-January and late-February. So hang in there, snow-lovers.. your time will come! -- Elliott

    I didn't mean just snow but colder. Just got to lay the groundwork LOL.

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