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Everything posted by paweather

  1. Love it! Can’t see models but that is good
  2. This is a classic case of models not knowing what to do.
  3. It would be awesome! I needed some reassure as others did pick up for this event, it’s always good to hear from you!
  4. Where is @Blizzard of 93 he needs to reassure me lol
  5. We got a legimate shot now. Trends are picking up until 0z
  6. To be serious I always thought of this. LOL. With the amount of sports betting why not have a weather/model betting option.
  7. So the Sixers and Flyers lose again. Sixers are a joke! Flyers are just as bad. When does south Philly get teams that can compete.
  8. Perfect get ready things will get better! Or I shouldn’t say better than the lastv4 years. And damn I said I would quit getting into politics on this forum! Oh well brutalize me.
  9. I guess climate change is an issue damn global warming
  10. Football games this weekend might be fun to watch the weather, and cold.
  11. I think it will be him. Even though he keeps saying he loves Boulder.
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