Hey everyone,
I am in the workings of creating a creative business that focuses on ideas and making them into stories to tell the world. I am focused on working on a novel and get that published first. I have a partner now. Not official yet, but in the process of working the kinks out. We are going to make a novel series and perhaps make movies after each novel in the franchise that now has a name, "The Awakening Dawn" series. Each of the three novels has titles now, they are still working titles, and are subject to change. 'The Awakening Dawn" 9Book one), "From Dawn Until Dusk" (Book Two), "The End of the Awakening" (Book Three). These novels will continue the story of the main characters, Jack Irving (25 year old hurricane specialist), Abi Acheson/Irving (Jack's fiancee in book one and wife throughout the rest of the story), Michael Reed (Jack's best friend since Kindergarten) and Marie Givens (Mike's girlfriend and wife later on and bosses daughter in book one). Secondary characters who appear in every novel: Jack's family members: Daniel Irving (Brother), Sarah Irving (sister, unsure her future), Siobhan Irving (Jack's youngest sister), Edith Irving (Jack's mother, dies from pancreatic cancer in book one), William Irving (Jack's father, lives in all three books). Other characters include Abi's best friend and secretary, USAF Reserve 53rd WRS hurricane hunter pilot Major/Lt. Colonel Brooks Carter and his crew. And others...
Next project and potential big-time franchise novel/movie series...
'The Terroristic Behavior Series"
This is a story about a duel between a CIA trained assassin turned into terror suspect who terrorizes the US's world interests, many mysteries exist and are unraveled as the story goes on as former terror expert and ghost hunter, FBI special agent Sebastian Jenkins who is recently divorced and has three children. He is hired by the FBI again or transferred to GHOST PROTOCOL. He is hunting a person the government of the US considers a ghost. The story lasts three novels and shows potential to become a big-time movie franchise. Characters include Carter Avril - ghost, and Sebastian Jenkins Ghosthunter. Still a work in progress in terms of character development and story development.
There are other individual projects considered as well that could provide to the workload. This is for the far future to determine.
James Warren Nichols/Kyle Bass