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Posts posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. 3 minutes ago, NycStormChaser said:

    Agreed. Although I do think a lot of people park on the street who take the train to work or the air train to the airport at JFK. Why people in small cars think they can drive through it though is beyond me. 

    That’s a lot higher then I would have expected with no coastal flood warning. That’s solid moderate flooding. 

  2. What an absolutely epic weekend at Stratton! Like others have said it’s deep deep winter in the mountains. Saturday was almost a bluebird day with amazing conditions. And even Sunday was great as any overnight rain had ended and snow loss was pretty much zero. The best part was I had the place to myself with walk on Gondi rides both days. First time in the woods and many lines dropped!

    The new snow bowl lift construction has half the mountain closed until completion though which is a bummer.

    let the good times continue this week!!



  3. 44 minutes ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Yeah but they said that a few days ago and now early December looks quite warm. 

    I have a hard time trusting any guidance beyond 5 days. 

    This is going to be the type of winter with great periods and breaks. Wall to wall is almost impossible now. The good news is there is a ton of snow cover to our north and that should help with localized cold generation in southern Canada. I was just in Vermont this weekend and there was a serious snow pack for November 



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  4. 1 hour ago, Rtd208 said:

    Current temp is down to 14 here. Impressive cold for November.

    This would easily be below zero in January. Especially with any snow cover. I thought winds would go calm so the city wouldn’t have dropped as much but the places like KFOK would have dropped more. The CAA continues with the north wind. Getting that Hudson River cold drain, ideal setup for the park.

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  5. 2 hours ago, 495weatherguy said:

    I now live in Suffolk and my kids think that snow days are a given, every year.   They have no idea how lucky they are to be in this type of pattern.   

    Given how it has flipped I wonder if this is the new normal

    Until the dreaded winter where everything goes wrong for us and it’s wall to wall 60s and no snow. It’s coming one day...

  6. Can’t wait to get up there Friday. New house for this winter this time in Jamaica Vermont elevation 1000’. Decrease in elevation of 600’ from last winters house so that sucks but it wasn’t my decision. Hoping for 6” out of this one.

  7. 1 hour ago, bluewave said:

    Yeah, it was the massive 50/50 low which helped set up the CAD for our record snowstorm last week.


    Thanks for that! I know they ran the big wave world tour in Nazare with that swell. Something you would find interesting Will Skudin of Long Beach is on the big wave world tour! Impressive for a NY guy!

  8. 14 hours ago, weatherpruf said:

    The Jan 87 storm took the cake for me....wall of snow, starting around 10 am after everyone was at work and school, then everyone getting out by 1pm and snarling the roads. Visibility was so bad I could not figure out where I was, and just followed the tail lights in front of me. People abandoned their cars on the highways to the extent the state police had them impounded. Since it came during a relatively snowless decade no one knew how to drive in the stuff anymore nor did anyone expect a near blizzard. It was a mess.

    How much snow did you get in that one? I think that one was bigger further south?

  9. 12 minutes ago, David-LI said:

    Windy here north Nassau. Came to backyard to smoke a cig and a transformer nearby just blew up.

    Edit: According to HRRR winds will pick up in the pre morning hours. Those isobars look very close. Wouldn't be surprised if I woke up without power.

    Wow I just checked the Ny harbor buoy and it’s sustained at 40 gusting to 50 knots. That’s pretty insane and fairly rare yet not even a wind advisory?

  10. 19 minutes ago, rgwp96 said:

    Think it had to do more with toming  and intensity and the type of snow itself .  Snow seemed very grainy and icy texture . Probably low ratios . Snow stuck almost instantly to pavement .  Also started as heavy sleet for about 15-20 minutes  before switching to snow 

    Definitely poor ratios. The stuff was super heavy and plowed into huge piles. Should also take a while to melt for the time of year

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