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Posts posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. 25 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    That’s how you a get a -AO on the charts but still wonder why the pattern sucks.

    Exactly, you can dump the cold in the wrong spots. We deed see a similar progression with last years SSW, first the cold went into Europe.

  2. On 1/1/2019 at 10:36 AM, wxmanmitch said:

    Another cutter, another blank. Started briefly as sleet/snow mix but it went to pretty much straight sleet and then freezing rain. It was just barely below freezing and the rain was heavy, so it didn't appear to accrete much as it just dripped off the branches before it could really glaze. Now it's just dry CAA with no backside upslope. :axe:

    This icy mix, rain, and then dry CAA (maybe we get some tiny snow grain flurries from the upslope stratus, but that's about it) nonsense is really getting old fast. Extremely frustrating, especially when areas to my NE in NH and ME actually have warmer surface temperatures and are getting snow. Plymouth, NH gets 4" and a net gain out of this. It's all about the midlevels...

    Temperature held at 32° F until the cold front came through around 6:30 AM and mixed me out. Briefly spiked to 42° F, now 34° F and dropping so everything is refreezing. Pretty much no melt of the existing glacier leftover from Snowvember.

    I guess we are making up for an epic March and November. Maybe we can get a positive gain tomorrow of more then just an inch. What are you thinking for up high Saturday? 2k+ ? Can we score or are the mid levels going to ruin the show again?

  3. 1 hour ago, snowman19 said:

    I definitely wouldn’t count on a 14-15 redux. The amount of snow we got from late January to early March that winter was a historic first in the entire history of weather record keeping for NYC

    I think your thinking of Boston and south eastern New England. NYC had historic February cold but not snows. 

    Patterns tend to really lock in, in our current climate so if we are going to get that full scale reversal to cold and snowy I would expect it to be major. The only question is when and if that happens.

    • Confused 1
  4. 4 hours ago, backedgeapproaching said:

    Think he said he is in the 1000-1100ft range down the east slope near Jamaica.

    Yep, they events are awful for SVT.  The west slopes stand no chance where I am, just immediate torch with no CAD abilities. The east slopes can hold and higher elevations too, but like you said mid levels just torch so quickly.

    Yeah 1200’ in a pretty deep ravine off pikes falls road. It’s a great CAD spot. I would rather be higher up but beggars can’t be choosers since it’s a share house. 

    Some pretty good rime forming on top of Stratton now with the cloud deck moving in.

    thinking 3” here now before Ice. Precip looks good and cold on radar in Pa with the initials batch

  5. 1 hour ago, LibertyBell said:

    NYC should probably have had 80"+ that year, I think they shortchanged us on the Jan 96 blizzard totals as well as the April snowstorm- we had 4-5" here in SW Nassau not the under 1" weird totals of NYC and LGA (JFK did measure that one right at 4.5")  I measured 83" here in SW Nassau for the seasonal total.

    That was one of those storms where the airmass was so marginal the urban heat island killed accumulations. 

  6. 1 hour ago, LibertyBell said:

    How did that storm cut across Central Suffolk County and yet it was all snow on the south shore and no snow in eastern PA (Allentown and NE PA)?  Amazingly sharp cut off with very narrow area of heavy snow!

    500 low and surface low aligned. So all you had to do was be on the left side of the storm track. Also excellent cold air entrainment with the CCB. And a really sharp cutoff to the SW. we had a dusting in Baltimore, and it’s not that far from philly. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    Yea I remember my doors got stuck shut with that one lol, 3-6 inches of sleet across our area.  Both that and the VD7 storm were okay because they never changed to rain (maybe freezing rain just at the end.)

    I was working in new Hyde park at the time and there was a big difference between there and South Wantagh. I don’t think we ever went above freezing there with a bunch of ice accretion and it changed to plain rain at my house. I don’t think we have to worry about a repeat of that winter.

  8. Just got up to Vermont earlier and couldn’t believe the amount of snow left at my house. 12” of absolute glacier. You can ice skate on this stuff. 

    Not expecting much frozen here in southern Vermont. Maybe an inch before sleet and then rain. 

  9. 1 hour ago, MarkO said:

    If you can deal with the longer drive, I'd go to Tremblant. it's an hour and a half north of Montreal, but it's really got everything. We usually break up the drive by staying Friday night in Montreal. No holiday weekend up there that weekend (I usually go there Feb vacation for the same reasons). There are some really easy trails on the southwest side. My wife and daughter love it. There's a reason it's rated #1 in the east, plus strong US dollar. 

    I have always heard good things. I find it funny when naive people going there think they are going to the Canadian Rockies or something. Top elevation is 2875. That’s pretty low even being a little further north. It’s still an east coast mountain with east coast weather issues.

    • Confused 1
  10. On 12/28/2018 at 6:04 PM, wxsniss said:

    Hey New Englanders,

    TIA for any tips...

    Planning a ski trip for my wife and I for MLK weekend and thought some of you might have good tips. My wife is a 1-time skiing beginner = she will get bored repeating a carpet lift run, but she is nervous about the quantum leap to a Green trail and is looking for a very wide, easy Green to build her confidence. 

    We are debating Stowe vs. Stratton vs. anywhere else in NH/VT with at least 1-2 very wide easy Greens and a nice ski village feel. Other concern is crowds and lines on MLK weekend.

    At Stowe, Spruce Peak seems to have several nice wide trails: Inspiration, Easy Street as a step above carpet lift trails. Concern is the 3.5-4 hr drive, and no reasonably priced lodging immediately at base. However, lodging 15 min drive away in the town of Stowe seems nice and reasonably priced. Any tips on driving from Boston and where to stay?

    Stratton is reputed to be good for beginners, but it's not obvious which trails are truly wide and easy. Also, I have read the crowds are terrible on holiday weekends. And prices are exorbitant for lodging at base.

    Any rec's to share from these or other mountains that might be good for beginners? Thanks!

    I’m on my way to Stratton as we speak and spend a ton of time there. Normally I would say pass on MLK but there is a brand new top to bottom 6 person lift opening before then. It’s going to revolutionize the mountain by spreading crowds. This new snow bowl lift will service some of the longest and easiest beginner trails in the east. I’m talking easy enough for a first time beginner. And then of course there is the Tamarrak area which is very large for a pure beginner area with tons of cool trails with bridges and tunnels. Yes lodging at the base is expensive but try black bear lodge. Awesome apres ski hot tub and reasonable prices. It’s also walking distance to the base and town area. (They have shuttles too). Grooming and snow making are as good as it gets too!!! Impeccable clean with a nice family vibe and the only gondola, highest peak and most vertical in southern Vermont 

    looking forward to a couple fun days myself. Hopefully New Year’s Day isn’t another disaster 

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