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Posts posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. 4 hours ago, NorthShoreWx said:

    I assume it did not get that cold.

    Agreed. The big arctic events In the city that set their record lows were big CAA events so it was likely similarly cold even at west Hampton 

  2. 1 minute ago, Brian5671 said:

    didn't say it was over.   Said that up until now, these things (or the lack of cooperation from them) has prevented a snowstorm (Even a light one) since met winter started. We could turn on a dime and have 60 inches in Feb-who knows-but you'll need to see some changes in the PAC and MJO for sure or its likely more of the same.   (and this is banter so it's ok to rage a bit here chief....:ph34r:)

    Well it’s keeping good posters away. I like this Board allot so it irks me. No way NYC makes it to 2/1 without an inch. We do that tonight.

    it wasn’t a personal attack persay. And I too was venting 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    an unmitigated disaster.  No help from the PAC, AO/NAO and MJO has been mostly in 4-5....big bag of fail.   The cold we've gotten has been accompanied by dry weather....   Quite possible NYC gets to 2/1 with less than an inch of snow for met winter....hope we don't end up with a delayed spring-that's the worst a snowless winter followed by a -NAO in April...LOLz

    Complete and utter Bs. This is exactly why I have been staying away from this board recently. 

    Waaaaa waaaaaa winters over. Get real

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  4. 3 hours ago, ORH_wxman said:

    We're a lot closer to CNE climate than NJ. I average only slightly less snow than CON and PWM.

    He got blasted In the NYC forum for making completely contradictory statements in the course of one day yesterday. Trolltastic!

    Are we in for 45 straight days of cold and snow? Of course not. Anyone thinking that was setting themselves up for failure.


  5. 3 minutes ago, weatherpruf said:

    Granted, that is true, but in the post I saw they mentioned their reasoning, no blocking and no cold air damming, things I see people around here say are pretty necessary. Are you saying that these factors can change? Can blocking develop by then? I am not a student of meteorology, so I am trusting those who know these things. I was under the impression, from reading here, that we are missing key elements.

    For this one to go right for the coast we need the entire low to be several hundred miles further south. Unlikely but not impossible. Several ways to get there. 

  6. 56 minutes ago, David-LI said:

    Yo have the best models being consistent each run combined with no blocking. Just not the right setup and climo for a coastal snowstorms. I'm not throwing the towel until I see the NAM though. It has surprised us a few times in the past.

    Agreed this most likely will not be a coast all snow event for the exact reasons you stated. But we have seen things fall apart and or come together within 48 hours let alone 120. There is no way anyone can say they know exactly what’s going to happen at this point. Friday if the models show the 850 low or Montreal then it’s time to throw in the towel.

  7. Just now, bluewave said:

    This is a be careful what you wish for type of storm. Colder could mean more ice instead of snow with the CAD dueling with the WAA just above.

    For sure a significant ice storm from the city north west is on the table. Power outages with the cold coming behind will not be fun for anyone. 

    I’m waiting to see where we are after things get sampled on Thursday before making any conclusions. It’s going to come down the the strength of the low and the amount of phasing with the tpv. A weaker less phased and faster solution is what we want. Something in the middle is the danger zone for ice 

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  8. Just now, NJwx85 said:

    I don't think you have to worry much about snow or ice down in Toms River. Even the snowiest models give coastal NJ all rain.

    I think everyone starts as snow, and coastal nj changes to rain an washes away most of what falls. This is def an inland setup even in the colder scenarios. What could be the big issue for the coast and city is a flash freeze on the back end. 

    Obviously this is extremely speculative right now 

  9. 19 minutes ago, SnowGoose69 said:

    Even the front end snow dump would end up more than the 18Z GFS shows verbatim if you got that exact track.  We see this with any system where we go snow to rain that it’s not usually til 84-96 that we start seeing the magnitude of the snow portion.  The November storm was the same thing 

    Exactly, an eternity still to go. 

    Lets see if this winters south trend is a factor in this one as well.

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