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Posts posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. 42 minutes ago, Jason215 said:

    A agree with your sentiment of wasting the cold with nothing to show for it, but if you are going to discount November, are you also going to discount any March snows we may potentially get?  

    Last year we got I believe more than half our snowfall in March, even though March is not part of “meteorological” winter. We had a surprise snowstorm this Pastor November, why would we not count it?  That being said, we still have about a month to make up for lost time, hoping we can make some lemonade out of this lemon! 

    A mid November storm is akin to a mid April storm if you look at the historical significance. (That’s why that October storm in 2011 was a 1/100 year event just like the May 77 storm) 

    i would consider all of March like all of December snow season. First half and second half especially. It doesn’t really matter anyway even with that event this season has still been awful. The one thing I do not want is some 98 repeat where 5” fell and melted a few hours later and ruined the futility record in the process. 

  2. 1 hour ago, NorthShoreWx said:

    That's probably because your income wasn't adversely affected by 2011-2012.  Honestly, to experience a worse winter than 1997-98 you'd have to move to Key West.

    I should clarify that the reason for those winters being better would be the lack of wasted cold. 01-02 had little cold but it snowed when the little cold showed. 97-98 was a super nino furnace and was fully expected. The only winter I can think of (and remember we aren’t counting the November event) is 72-73. That’s the only other winter that has this ones cold and lack of snow. As much as we kept hitting home runs every time we were at bat the last few years we equally struck out this year. The ultimate thread the needle bad. Watch DC score another another one this week and we miss out (entirely possible).

    I’m still optimistic that we score at least one advisory+ snow event before the end of the season. In order to do that we need to completely reshuffle the pattern. 40/70 baby

  3. This is quickly becoming my least favorite winter of all time (minus the nov event as it was not winter). BOS has a snow storm now leaving NYC as the sole area from North Carolina north to not have a snow event over 2”. Wednesday could easily be another non event. We have one last shot the last few days of feb into the beginning of March where the PNA could finally go positive and we could see a bench mark type track regime take over. If that does not pan out this will be hands down my least favorite winter of all time  

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, 495weatherguy said:

    As I have explained its not that I hate snow--as I have gotten older I don't like it as much--snow is disruptive and big storms are often dangerous.  This winter has been bereft of snow, one that we have been due for.  You live on the South Shore of Long Island, snow is hard to come by.  

    Our climate is changing. We will see more blockbuster seasons for the next few decades before we eventually reach a critical mass and temps are too warm for snow

    and I totally blew this one, I’ll admit it. Iight rain uws

  5. 1 minute ago, SnowGoose69 said:

    Winds start backing though over the next several hours to more E.  Even with a S-SE wind now everyone has underachieved on highs.  The problem with this event is best QPF is north and a warm nose in the mid levels will work in. 

    I still think there are issues right at the coast, but turning the winds more east could help. Dews are great for this event. We should all wet bulb nicely. 

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  6. 45 minutes ago, 495weatherguy said:

    Don’t be so sanctimonious.   Posting pics of snow?  That’s not banter?  Please

    Explain to me how posting pics of snow is not part of a weather forum but constant reminders of how you hate snow is? It’s turned into an every day thing and it’s getting really old.

    Nice onshore flow currently on the south shore, which is my reasoning for low expectation right at the coast. This is a 20 miles inland event.

  7. 14 minutes ago, qg_omega said:

    my snow amounts were bang on, low level cold was a tad more impressive than i thought but the end result is the same.  NYC will be raining by 7pm.  My thoughts on mid level warmth severely reducing the snow to a 1-2 hr period was bang on.  

    NYC with absolutely not be raining by 7 not here on the Nw side not even close. Moderate sleet/snow continues

    • Haha 1
  8. 33 minutes ago, Brasiluvsnow said:

    maybe one of you guys who KNOWS better and possibly you can post the radar loop or comment but again it APPEARS that a LOW might be  "trying" to form by the Outer Banks https://weather.com/weather/radar/interactive/l/USNC0479:1:US

    I took a close look at things and it does not appear to be the case. The primary is so powerful it will not matter much anyway. The high is really running the show right now 

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  9. 43 minutes ago, Neblizzard said:

    Actually the EPS shows a stout -NAO in the long range. Glad you don’t buy that though, we didn’t expect anything different from you.   Maybe you should look at the guidance first. 

    Exactly, he just makes things up to suit his narrative. After a relaxation things get very interesting. Obviously it’s far enough to not be set in stone but the pattern overall becomes much more conducive.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Brian5671 said:

    Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.   The SSW was a joke, no Atl blocking to speak of and a Pac Jet from hell. 2 impressive arctic outbreaks but nothing to lock in the cold airmass... Now the upcoming -PNA will just seal the deal.    Bring on spring.  (agree with the 01-02 and 11-12 comment-just give me wall to wall warmth instead of this garbage)

    Well if this winter wasn’t proof that the largest body of water on the planet runs show I do not know what is. And you know we are getting snow in April and a cold wet early spring when ATL side blocking finally does materialize 

    • Haha 2
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