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Posts posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. Well I did it again (my collarbone is finally healed) This time it’s a broken radious, actually shattered. Have to get surgery so that’s the end of my season at 18 days. Lost control on the ice at Stratton and put my left hand down (luckily right handed). I’ll still get up to Vermont for some hiking. Next season I’ll be sitting out icy days...

  2. 3 hours ago, powderfreak said:

    It's actually been snowing pretty good for the past 30-45 minutes.  Perfect dendrites, big feathers.  They are slow to fall but there are a lot of them.

    Seems to be a Lake Ontario connection...could be a couple/few inches for the mountains if they are seeing this snow growth, but it's the true meaning of dust on crust.


    That’s awesome and why northern Vermont is great. Anything will help for tomorrow. We will lucky to get a dusting in svt

  3. 1 hour ago, Brian5671 said:

    happy to see the rest of the snow melt the next few days...

    Still piles in the city. Here on the south shore e never had a snow pack because we never really had any snow. Less then 10” for the season total here. Biggest event was 3.5” in November. SE Nassau and Monmouth were the big losers this winter. I give it a D at home and a C at work on 120th and Broadway 

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  4. 30 minutes ago, Sugarloaf1989 said:

    Bought tickets for Mount Snow for Wednesday. Should be a bluebird day with firm groomer.

    Should be excellent with the dense snow that fell yesterday. Great weekend with something for everyone. Blue bird Saturday with firm groomers and almost a powder day Sunday, just a little too dense to be considered real powder.

  5. 54 minutes ago, NittanyWx said:

    Event post-mortem...

    Call: 6-10" NYC Metro, north shore LI, NE Jersey, lower Hudson Valley and CT

    3-6" with mixing Jersey shore, south shore and the forks.


    What worked:  

    Lower Hudson Valley, NE Jersey, Connecticut.    Generally aligned with expectations there as dendritic growth was solid, band cranked out 2"/hr precip rates.  Widespread 6-10" totals will verify.

    The mixing idea along the Jersey shore, south shore and forks held down totals there.  3-6" will verify for many, but barely.


    What busted:  Central Park ASOS is reporting 5", which is an inch lower than my forecast.  I consider this a bust for Manhattan, likely a chunk of Queens and the north shore LI pending OKX final storm report. IP line was far just enough north during the  evening we lost snow to sleet, that makes a difference.  That, plus a temp of 33 led to very little accumulation until the band came through.  As a result, busted too high on low end of range for lower Manhattan, northern Brooklyn and I think Queens (though I may squeak by there, 4-8" would've been a better forecast).    I consider SI and south shore Brooklyn as a coastal area, I'm not overly surprised there was less snow and mixing there.


    In short, the northward tongue in the mid-levels was battling against some pretty impressive snowfall rates.  Should've been more cautious in LI and in NYC specifically given this is March. 

    Honestly I think the park was an estimate. I had 4” at 120th and Broadway on a wide open college campus lawn. I had very little sleet here. The problem was trouble accumulating until the heaviest rates moved in. .5 before and 3.5” during. Only about a tenth of an inch of sleet at the very end

  6. 17 minutes ago, dWave said:

    Forecasts I saw showed slightly above freezing temps were expected around the city but would be overwhelmed by heavy snow rates at night. Is it the heavy snow never came? Speaking just from my memory, when we count on very heavy snow to overcome temps it usually doesnt materialize. I always take it with a grain of salt. 

    I know some people will say.."they closed school for this??"

    No the heavy snow came at least where I am on the uws. The problem was we had already lost so much to non accumulating snow. About 4”, 3.5” of which fell in 2 hours from 12-2 

  7. 2 hours ago, BombsAway1288 said:

    Now we just need to see the next 3 or 4 model cycle runs on the globals to keep showing it at the very least. If it starts heading to pop up over Detroit or Bermuda by Thursday, then I give up lol

    Most of our best storms the last few years have been sniffed out in the long range only to be lost and then resurface. So I would expect the same here (if it’s a go)

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  8. 22 hours ago, jfklganyc said:

    From the Feb thread “Our climate is changing. We will see more blockbuster seasons for the next few decades before we eventually reaca critical mass and temps are too warm for snow



    Why did you take my quote out of context? Because I said “our climate is changing”? 

    Stuck patters are a thing of the future and thus feast or famine winters. Though this one may have tricks up its sleeve as a result of seasonal wave length change.

    And to deniers, I promise if this topic hadn’t become a political football you wouldn’t be so blind

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