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Posts posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. It’s a full on flizzard here right now. Flakes are about as small as I have ever seen almost like dust. They aren’t amounting to much however. Only about an inch new this evening on top of what’s left of the 3” from this morning. It will be interesting to see what’s up high in the morning 

  2. 56 minutes ago, backedgeapproaching said:

    There was a few of these elevation storms in NOV too. I have about the same as you at 1100ft in Manchester--3"(2.8" actually)--but yea in town around 750ft it was actually raining most of the morning, then just white rain rest of the day.

    Curios to see how much uplsope makes it over to you in Jamaica when that kicks in--ALY mentioned a somewhat blocked flow.


    It’s been snowing lightly but not accumulating. We’ll see after the sun goes down. If thinking an inch or two at the house and 2-4 at the mountain. Stratton normally does not do to well in west wind upslope events. The one exception of course was the 3rd nor’easter last March, but that was a whole other animal.

  3. 23 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    That map is sorta crap- well very incomplete - the band extends south on the spine just north of Mitch’s spot by about 30 miles or so 

    S VT elevations like stratton were over 6” easy 

    I would guess towns like Jamaica VT and Londonderry got over 6” as well . They are 1800’++

    I just drove all over southern Vermont after doing a couple runs at Stratton. 

    Its the most elevation dependent event I have ever seen here.

    it goes from zero accumulation in Manchester to over 8” above 2500’ at Stratton. I only have about 3” at 1400 near Jamaica. I wish Mitch would post as I bet he has about 6”

    • Thanks 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, Jason215 said:

    Sorry to hear about your friends injury. This was one of the few situations where the poconos had better snow. Was visiting a friend in the Harrisburg PA area. Skied a small fun mountain (only 600ft vertical) called Roundtop. With temps around 45, snow had prime spring conditions. Points north such as Catskills, VT, etc were all ice. No thanks. Did that earlier this year at Killington. I had a rude reminder of how much I dislike skiing on ice.

    I guess you missed the later post where I did it to myself the next day. Shattered my radious and have to have surgery. If there is one rule, one rule I will stick to from here on out forever it’s no more snow boarding on ice. I’ll just not head up or do something else. 

    My buddys who are mountain safety guys and I had a good talk about why mountains on the east coast stay open on severely icey days. Iron clad wavers of liability. If it’s not brown send people down.

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  5. 1 hour ago, wxeyeNH said:

    I'm just not feeling it for me.  Marginal airmass.  If the low tracked 50 miles further east maybe.  Still time for some SE ticks.  Guess 18Z Euro was a good start

    What’s your elevation? I wouldn’t give up yet. This is going to become a powerful system and there will be surprises. Definitely want to be over 1k though.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Rtd208 said:

    I think if it doesn't show snow it is considered boring by some on here. I am just looking for a good coastal storm regardless of precipitation type especially being down in the NYC metro area.

    This one gets going too late for major coastal impacts at home. And that’s why I’m heading up to 1400’ in the greens with potential to get to 3850’.


    • Haha 1
  7. 33 minutes ago, wxmanmitch said:

    I like where I stand with this one. Even if low goes way west, say up CT River or God forbid the Hudson Valley, the Greens will still do well with the TROWAL and upslope on the backside.

    It could be a bona fide blizzard here for a while Friday with the TROWAL and strong W to NW upslope combined. 

    The wildcard here will be if the front end is cold enough for snow, but this will depend on storm track and intensity. Too far west, and the deform band is out in NYS while we dryslot and get rain. Verbatim, the 12z Euro is some brief rain after snow and then we rip on the backside. 

    I like the look of the EPS, with the mean around a foot here.

    Yeah, I’m going to head up to my 1400’ refuge and watch this one play out. Elevation will be key in this one!

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