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Everything posted by dta1984

  1. Alot of people in here like to claim others said stuff...it's a thing
  2. Hopefully the people in Michigan are wearing 3-4+ masks to stop this spread
  3. I thought it was bill gates that was going to microchip us https://nypost.com/2021/04/12/microchip-developed-by-pentagon-to-detect-covid-19/
  4. Absolute inhumane. I thought this was fake when I first saw it. It does say "Others Sent To Safety Elsewhere", but still..
  5. Maybe you could go to large gatherings if you got one of these https://nypost.com/2021/02/25/school-band-rehearses-in-individual-pods/
  6. I was just answering @MJO812 question about gatherings. Cdc says ok, assuming he's talking about personal family or friend gatherings. You brought up the football, which i was just pointing out is state controlled (capacity of stadiums).
  7. Looks like that part is mostly up to the states (see TX). Most other fall sports look to return to full capacity this fall.
  8. Didn't the cdc say you can gather normally after vaccination?
  9. Small numbers, but there are hospitalizations after vaccination https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/coronavirus/ezike-just-72-of-2-5-million-individuals-vaccinated-against-covid-hospitalized-due-to-virus/2481842/
  10. Way to go coach, outdoor setting, distanced, no need for masks https://www.foxcarolina.com/track-coach-fired-after-refusing-to-make-athletes-wear-masks-during-races/article_e80b6b99-6bd5-5b04-bf27-0d9de7bd9da7.html
  11. Yep, nasty bacteria from a used mask.
  12. I did not compare this to the history of segregation. Everything is not about race. If you don't like the term Segregation, let's replace it with something else. Yes, let's get the most vulnerable vaccinated and move on.
  13. You're aware that the term Segregation can refer to more than just race right? Segregation, separation of groups of people with differing characteristics, often taken to connote a condition of inequality.
  14. Creating a segregated society is not how we move this country forward. As Gov Desantis said " “requiring vaccine passports for taking part in everyday life such as attending a sporting event, patronizing a restaurant or going to a movie theater would create two classes of citizens based on vaccination.”"
  15. Glad to see more states joining in https://www.nrn.com/restaurants-ready/some-states-are-moving-restrict-covid-vaccination-passport-mandates
  16. Unless it's travel from Mexico, the border is a mess right now.
  17. Yep, Texas and Florida doing pretty good these days.
  18. Social aspect agreed. Mental health seems to be an issue stemming from the lack of social interactions. http://dailyorange.com/2021/04/remote-learning-mental-health-local-students/
  19. Here's a new one (just reports, not a study) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9446907/Some-women-report-heavier-painful-PERIODS-getting-COVID-19-vaccine.html
  20. Seems like we're finally getting a nice spring. We either get cold and snowy, or warm and wet. This spring has been mostly warm and allowed for green up well ahead of schedule. Still have parts of the property that are decently wet, but should be cutting at least some grass within the next week I would think (pending any additional rain).
  21. There is no link, never said there was. The relevant topic (see above) is playing sports with masks vs what the WHO recommends.
  22. You know, there are alot of people in this thread that I disagree with. The difference between them and you is they provide data , and links to help educate others. You just spew dribble at everyone you don't agree with.
  23. It's a dumb topic really. Started because malackala made a baseless claim. There are more important things to discuss.
  24. Um ok, not sure who made a claim that a mask would give you a respiratory illnesses.
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